Trimdon Village Drugs Warrant – update 7th April 2010
07/04/2010 at 09.30hrs Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police team executed a magistrate’s search warrant at Jasmine Crescent Trimdon Village . A quantity of cannabis was seized and the female occupant of the address was arrested and later issued with a caution for possessing a controlled drug. The warrant was obtained and executed as a result of local intelligence being obtained and actioned by Neighbourhood Officers. Anyone with any information in relation to drugs misuse or supply can contact me in person or remain anonymous
Information Update – 24th March 2010
Vehicle Crime
In recent weeks there has been a sudden increase in vehicle crime in neighbouring villages. So far the Trimdons have been relatively untouched; the crimes in question could have been easily prevented. ALL vehicles targeted have been insecure and no damage has been caused to gain entry. Valuables ranging from laptops to iPods have been taken. Again this could have been prevented by removing ALL valuables from the vehicle.
Anti Social Behaviour – Church Road
Unfortunately complaints in relation to anti social behaviour are continuing in and around Church Road Trimdon Village . We will continue to provide high visibility patrols to the area along with more covert tactics in order to identify offenders. Anyone who is stopped in this location and believed to be acting in an anti social manner will face positive action. Unfortunately the minority of young people leave us with no action but to move persons away from this location in particular on Friday evenings.
School Parking – Trimdon Grange
Complaints are still continuing at this location; please consider where you park your vehicle when visiting the school, large amounts of publicity has been done to highlight the issues. If anyone leaves their vehicle causing an obstruction or in a dangerous position they will be issued with a fixed penalty notice which incurs a £30 fine.
April PACT Meeting Dates (open to all members of the community).
Trimdon Grange – Monday the 19th of April 2010 6pm at the Community Centre.
Trimdon Village – Wednesday 28th of April 2010 6pm at the Community College Elwick View.
Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853