Information Update – 13th August 2010

Operation Phoenix 2010
This operation has been running since April of this year the main aim being to target the riders of off road motor cycles or any other anti social use of off road machines.
So far the operation has been a success with a 30% reduction in complaints; this is a result of extra covert and high visibility patrols in identified “hot spot areas”.
These areas are identified by local officers acting on complaints and local information we receive, without this information the operation would not be as successful as it has been so far. We will continue with the operation until October when a full evaluation will be carried out.

Not in my Neighbourhood – Trimdon Village
This is a multi agency operation which will run in identified areas of Trimdon Village . With assistance of the local authorities, partners and other Police specialist departments and number of actions will be carried out week commencing 23rd of August. Further details will follow and results of the operation will be released.

A have your say/PACT meeting will be held on Wednesday the 18th of August 2010 at 6pm at The Trimdon Village Community College all residents are welcome.

Scrap Thefts
In recent weeks there has been a sharp increase in relation to theft of scrap/metal property in particular in the Trimdon Grange area. Anyone who believes to have witnessed bogus scrap collectors in their neighbourhood please contact police and try to obtain any registration numbers of vehicles concerned.


Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853