Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 9th December 2014 in the Community Centre at Station Road, Trimdon Station at 6.30pm.

Present: Councillors M Eadsforth (Chair), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, B Ferguson, M Lenehan-Ferguson, C Bell and J Loverance. There were 7 parishioners in attendance and the local Police Officer.

1127. To accept apologise of absence. DCC Councillor L Hovvels.
1128. Declarations of interests. None.
1129. Police and Highways Report.
The police advised of 46 incidents in the area.
6 cases of anti-social behaviour, three of which were related to off road motor cycles.
Criminal damage to bus shelters, 1 theft from a coal house and a glass panel stolen from a vehicle.
There was an increase in police activity in the parish as suspects were under surveillance following an incident in Blackhall.
The chairman advised that the recent PACT meeting raised similar matters and contact details for local police would be place on the council’s website.
The chairman further advised that P Wilson (MP) had made approach to the Housing Association where it is hoped that bollards will be installed on the black path to deter off road motor cyclists.
Members raised concerns at the recent spate of vandalism on bus shelters that was being detrimental to the villages.
All report to the police can be made via 101 calls to PC1635 (Steve Rowe) or PCSO 7358 (Sarah Kinghorn). Emergency calls are still made via 999 number.

1130. Representation from Parishioners
Residents enquired if the parish council would be erecting a Christmas tree this year. The Chairman advised that no plans were made for such this year and it was too late to do it now but will be considered for next year.
Residents asked if draft minutes of the meetings could be published within 5-7 days of the meeting taking place. Members of the council consider this and agreed that only agreed minutes would be published.
Residents requested an update on the issue of the burnt-out house. This would be referred to Cllr L Hovvels.
Residents queried the council as some land maintained by them (football fields) was outside the parish boundary. The Clerk advised that it was not uncommon for a parish to administer land adjacent to its boundary if it was a benefit/facility to its community.

1131. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 11th November 2014.
These were agreed as a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

1132. Clerk’s update on matters raised at that meeting.
The Clerk advised that all matters raised were undertaken.

1133. Report of the County Councillor L Hovvels. None

1134. To consider correspondence received.

a) Notification of the National Joint Council Pay Award. Members agreed to support this award.
b) Enquiry from Wingate Parish Council regarding erecting a pit wheel. The Clerk would advise WPC of the involvement of Groundwork Northeast who designed and implemented the scheme on the behalf of the council.
c) DCC Neighbourhood Budget Acceptance of Grant. Members agreed to accept the grant.
d) The Clerk advised of the information received from CDALC concerning policies on Standing Orders and Filming/recording of council meetings. These matters were already included in the standing orders.
e) The Clerk advised of the opportunity to obtain a grant of £500 from the ‘It’s your neighbourhood campaign’ run by DCC. It was agreed for an application to be made for funds to improve the footpath along the end of Luke Terrace.
f) The Clerk advised of the information received from RBS Rialtas where the Director had recently died. This had postponed the clerk’s training in the Financial Management software.
g) Information was received on the Alcohol Harm Reduction event.
h) Information was received from Infinis who express their disappointment of DCC’s decision not to proceed with the proposal of the Wingate Grange Wind Farm, but gave thanks to all those who supported the proposal. The Clerk was requested to reply advising that no support from the parish was given.
i) Information was received Waldon Telecom Ltd advising of changes to the Trimdon (new) Automated Telephone Exchange. The changes were considered ‘permitted development’ therefore this notification was advisory. The clerk was requested to obtain drawings of the changes for member’s information.
j) The Clerk advised of the information received from DCC on the ‘Durham Ask’ project. The project is encouraging Town/Parish councils to put forward requests for the transfer of services from them down to a local parish level. Members requested this matter to be agended for next meeting and for the clerk to see neighbouring parishes for possible joint working.

1135. Policies and Procedures of the Council.
Members had forwarded some changes to the Standing Orders. The Clerk would implement these and make final version for acceptance and publication.

1136. Email and Website Progress.
The Clerk advised that progress on constructing the site was slow going as this was a completely new system to him.

1137. Neighbourhood Plans and Parish Plans.
The Clerk provided members with information on Neighbourhood Planning format and the more simplified Parish Plan. Neighbourhood planning was a more lengthy process and has only recently been introduced and there are only a few larger Town/Parish councils who have gone through this process. Whilst ‘Parish Plans’ can be developed more speedily and still give the council a good guide to what the local people want the council to do. It was agreed for the council to prepare a local ‘Parish Plan’ and to undertake a survey with its local parishioners. The clerk would finalise the draft questionnaire and prepare for printing.

1138. Consultations on Planning. There were none.

1139. Cemetery Fees and Charges.
Members clarified that the Cemetery Fees and Charges was correct.

1140. To consider planning applications. There were none.

1141. To agree the schedule of accounts for the month.
Agreed that the accounts for the past month totalling £11,529.79 (vouchers 302019 to 302027) submitted at the meeting be approved for payment and the direct debits noted.

1142. Precept Setting.
The Clerk advise of the information received from Durham County Council concerning the changes to the Tax Base in the parish (a reduce number of parishioners liable for local taxes) and the changes to the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme (further reduction) that collectively meant the parish would receive less income if the precept remained unchanged. Due to the level of reserves held by the council members resolved to accept this reduction and maintained the precept at the previous year’s level. The clerk would forward the precept request to DCC on this basis.

1143. Exchange of Information.
Members advised that the paddock at the rear of the Allotment required a field drainage scheme as the land remain waterlogged. Quotes for this would be sought.
Members advised that a brick wall in a garden/allotment was in danger of falling over. This matter would be investigated.
Members raised concern regarding a large garage that had been erected at the rear of St Aiden’s Terrace. The Clerk would look at the on-line planning application to see if this was included.
Members advised that they were waiting a reply from the insurance company regarding the stolen grass cutter.
Members advised that a possible vacant allotment plot could be retained by the council and used as a storage facility.
Members advised that a section of fence in the allotment site needed to be replaced. It was resolved to accept the quote and proceed with repair immediately.

Members suggested that a full audit of the council’s finance be undertaken. The clerk advised that this was already in place and an audit is undertaken yearly.

Members had recently attended a meeting concerning the proposed new Hospital at Wynyard to supersede the older Hartlepool unit. The decision on this matter was being delayed until after May 2015.

1144. Date and time of next meeting.

14th January 2015 at 6.30pm in the Community Centre at May Crescent.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.


Minutes of the Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday, 9th December 2014