PRESENT:- COUN J FRANCE (CHAIR) Mesdames:- L Grigg, M Eadsforth & G E Elliott Messrs:- G Elliott & B D Ferguson, County Councillor L Hovvels

Apologies for absence had been submitted and accepted from Councillor J G Grigg.

1077. THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING a copy of which had been circulated to each Member, were not accepted. In connection with Minute Number 1068, Members asked that references to the former Chairman be deleted along with reference to November 2013. This was agreed and the minutes were then signed as a true record.

The Chairman welcomed PCSO Sarah Kinghorn. The Officer gave the crime report detailing there had been 51 incidents reported since the last meeting and the various categories were given. The Chairman asked Members and then residents if they had any matters to raise with the Police. Members felt that off road motor cycles was a problem in the Parish and they asked that this be fed back by the Police Officer with a request for increased support by the Constabulary off road bike officer. The Officer in attendance did re assure that off road bikes had been identified as a PACT priority along with anti social behaviour in the Malvern Crescent area. Concern was expressed at persons being re located to the village, without them being given the appropriate support from the various agencies.

RESOLVED the Police be thanked for their attendance and the information given, be noted.

1079. REPORTS:-
1. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk submitted and read out her letter of resignation. Her last working day would be Sunday 24th August and she was paid two weeks in arrears up to 7th September 2014. She offered to assist the Parish Council with urgent matters such as burials and the payment of urgent accounts, in the interim period of appointing a new Clerk. This offer was not taken up by the Parish Council.

The Clerk’s report was circulated and considered and included the following items the cemetery, progress with the memorial garden, the brick but was now demolished and the path installed and the memorials were due to be i nstal led; the Charity Commission, Trustees Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014 had been submitted on line, (the auditor’s statement needed to be added to fully complete the return and it had not yet been received) ; drainage works had continued as per the agreed schedule, and appeared successful; the CAT Walkabout had been re scheduled for 13January 2015; a progress report was given on enforcement issues and football matches were to begin on 17th & 24th August 2014, and a price had been submitted for the redecoration of the steel units in the recreation area
(i) The Clerk’s resignation be accepted, and the offer made by the Clerk to assist with urgent business in the interim period of appointing a new Clerk, not betaken up;
(ii) Arrangements be made for the re decoration works to be carried out in liaison with Councillor M r Elliott;
(iii) the information contained in the report be noted.

2. Resident’s Issues
It was asked if another report could be made on the problem of pot holes in May and Wood Crescent. It was also asked if a report could be made to have the roadsides and footpaths sprayed to clear the weeds growing. RESOLVED these be reported again for attention.

3. Member’s Individual Reports

a) CounciIIor Ferguson
A report was given on new legislation relating to the openness of Council Meetings and to the recording of parish council meetings. Councillor Ferguson felt this needed careful consideration and implementation. RESOLVED the report be noted.

b) CounciIIor Eadsforth

Councillor Eadsforth gave progress on an initiative regarding the problems of dog fouling and members were circulated with an action plan that she was taking forward with the Headmaster of the local Primary School. There was also progress with the delivery of the proposed newsletter. Reference was made to an item on the correspondence list relating to work at Murton and how it was interesting to see what other parishes were working on. Councillor Eadsforth hoped to carry out some work with Sport England in the local school towards perhaps obtaining a new football strip. RESOLVED the contents of the report be noted.

c) CounciIIor Mr G ElIiott
It was asked if the next stage on works by Aqu4et could be the allotment site, there was considerable discussion on the history of this site and what works could be needed to improve the drainage of the area The cost of maintenance at the cemetery was raised and it was suggested that attempts should be made to reduce these costs. A quotation from Kai Driveway & Groundworks was given to excavate and re set to correct height three road gulleys at the end of Windsor Street. The Clerk asked if Members wished to approve these works and Councillor Mr & Mrs Elliott, B D Ferguson and M Eadsforth supported this work being done at a cost of £966.00, (inc vat).
RESOLVED (i) an instruction be given for works to the road gulleys to be carried out in liaison with Councillor M r G Elliott. (ii) approval be given to the next stage of drainage works and this be done in liaison with Councillors M r Elliott and Ferguson, (iii) the cemetery grounds maintenance programme be reduced to every other week with the private contractor.

d) CounciIIor Mrs Grigg
Councillor Mrs Grigg tendered her resignation as a Parish councillor with immediate effect. Councillor Grigg said she was unhappy with the recent behaviour of certain Parish councillors and, in her opinion, their treatment and disrespect of the Clerk, Kay Tweddle. She felt the council was becoming far too political and as an independent councillor was not why she was elected. Over the years she had always tried to do her best for the residents of Trimdon Station, but now felt it was time to call it a day. In closing she wished all residents very good luck for the future.
RESOLVED Councillor Mrs Grigg’s resignation be accepted.

e) Vice Chairman’s report
Councillor France offered his resignation as a parish councillor with immediate effect. He spoke on issues raised at previous meetings in relation to the resignation of Mr Finkel Gates.
RESOLVED Councillor France’s resignation be accepted.

4) County Councillor’s Report
Councillor Hovvels gave her progress report. This included the raising of awareness of the dangers of loan sharks, progress with Health Watch initiatives, various community engagement programmes, in particular a help line to try and reduce Men’s Suicide.
The Centre Manager reported they had four trained personnel working from this centre supporting the community with these types of issues. Councillor Hovvels reported on financial support she had given for environmental improvements, the Banner Group, Stranger Danger story books, veterans and centenary events and she also reported on issues raised at previous meetings.
RESOLVED the contents of the report be noted.

5. Chairman’s report
The Chairman had submitted a written progress report.
He commented it was with disappointment but no surprise he had received a letter of resignation from our Clerk, Kay Tweddle, which was self explanatory. He sympathised with her and respected her wishes and wanted to thank her for all of her hard work and dedication over the years and wish her the best of luck. He gave a progress report on the drainage advising that the first phase of the programme was now complete with a new pipe fitted by Aquajet from the rear of the field at Purvis Terrace to the main drain at the entrance of Puri vs terrace with the field drain being connected and stoned, which should provide years of service for Trimdon Station. He thanked his Vice Chairman Councillor France for his time and involvement with this scheme as they had numerous site visits to the recreation area over the past month in particular. It was hoped that the next areas next to the Fish Shop and Windsor Gardens would be tackled soon. He reported the brick but had been demolished and cleared away in the memorial garden. The new disabled gate had been fitted and a small entrance path laid and there was just the installation of the memorial plaques to complete the work. He reported the chicane near St A i dans Terrace had still not been repaired or cleaned and also the adjacent hedge needed weeding and clearing. RESOLVED the Chairman’s reported be accepted.

There were no planning issues to report.

Consideration was given to a list of correspondence received since the last meeting, a copy of which had been circulated to each Member.
RESOLVED the correspondence be accepted.

i) Accounts for Payment
301989 Aqu4et drainage works £3,840.00
301990 DCC pension £242.44
301991 DCC bi-election costs £3,582.88
301992 HMRC tax & N I £245.44
301993 Jacs payroll service £19.20
301994 Pearts Fencing ped. Gate £927.60
301995 K Tweddle various £43.54
301997 ColIingwood various works — mem gdn £580.80
301985 SLCC membership – CANCELLED £256.00
FPO P Dinsley Grounds Maintenance £1,775.00

that the action taken in paying accounts with cheque payments, (nos 301989 — 301997), totalling £9,481.90 presented at the meeting for approval, be endorsed.

(ii) Bank Reconciliation
Members were circulated with the Bank Reconciliation for July 2014. RESOLVED that the reconciliation be accepted.

(iv) Finance Sub Committee
It had been agreed that this matter be placed on the agenda for discussion at this meeting. It was not discussed.

It was RESOLVED the date and time of the next meeting be Tuesday 9th September 2014 at 6.30pm and the meeting be held in the Resident’s Association House, May Crescent.