Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 11th November 2014 in the Community Centre, May Terrace, Trimdon Station at 6.30pm.

Present: Councillors M Eadsforth (Chair), Gail Elliott, B. Ferguson, M Lenehan-Ferguson, C Bell, J Loverance.
Also present was Durham County Councillor L. Hovvels, B Buckley from DCC Highways, Claire Hubbard and John Fenwick from DCC Civic Pride Team and Clean and Green Team. There were 10 parishioners in attendance.

1110. To accept apologise of absence.
Apologise were received for Cllr Mr G Elliot.

1111. Introduction of newly elected members.
Introductions were provided for Cllr’s M Lenehan-Ferguson, C Bell and J Loverance.
All duly signed ‘The Acceptance of Office’ declaration.

Cllr L Hovvels gave her thanks to the newly elected members for standing for election and taking up their new position in the community and looked forward to much co-operative working for the benefit of the parish.

1112. Declarations of interests.
The newly elected members provided the Clerk with a completed Declaration of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests form. The Clerk would forward this to the Monitoring Officer at County Hall.
There were no declarations of interests given for matter in the agenda.

1113. Police and Highways Report.
Brian Buckley from DCC Highways attended the meeting to address the road traffic issue concerning parishioners and members.
Several locations were discussed and one area had been addressed. Tobin Terrace and Thornley Road were areas where parishioners frequently faced speeding traffic.
B Buckley advised that prior to any installation of traffic calming measure a full site survey that would include previous historical records of incidents would be needed and the resulting outcome would receive a priority. When funding was available a scheme would be drafted for consultation with the parish and until this was completed no works would be done. DCC had limited funds and had to spend its finance in the most needed places.

1114. Floral Planting in the Parish.
Claire Hubbard gave an outline of the planting scheme to be undertaken along Station Road and St. Aidens. Some funding had been made available from DCC, L Hovvels, Durham Pharmaceutical’s, the parish council and labour from the Probationary Services and DCC to undertake the scheme.
This scheme had already seen the fence painted at Station Road West and litter cleared.
The scheme included 4 planters and a rail unit planter. Bulbs were also ordered for the tree line from the Post Office to Trimdon Colliery.
They had attended the school to address young children on litter and caring for the environment.
Numerous pots had been planted with bulbs and would be delivered to households.
Repainting of the Telephone Box is being sought and enquiries are been made to have the electricity poles repainted.
Thereafter the maintenance of the planters will be taken over by the parish council.

1115. Representation from Parishioners
Residents expressed concerns at the heavy vehicles that were passing through Station Road in the early hours of the morning. This matter was raised at the recent PACT meeting and the police will be looking into this.
Residents advised of the overgrown railway line footpath heading to Wingate that was in need of cutting back to clear the route. The Clerk would liaise with DCC (if Public Right of Way) to engage the Probationary Services to address this matter.
Residents express concerns at the removal of the Schools Crossings Patrol service that was not replaced when the person retired. B Buckley advised that this service was not replaced as the need for such fell below government guidelines.
Residents express the need to have a Grit/Salt bin at the school. The Clerk would forward details of this request formally to DCC Highways.

1116. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 14th October 2014.
These were agreed as a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

1117. Clerk’s update on matters raised at that meeting.
The Clerk advised that all matters were reported for investigation to DCC and progress was being.

1118. Report of the County Councillor L Hovvels.
Lucy advised that DCC was having a crackdown on Fly-Tipping with publicity event due out. Parishioners and members can report such issues on 03000 261 000 or 0800 555 000 or through DCC website. When reporting issues; please provide as much information as possible especially registration numbers, vehicle description, time and location.
DCC were undertaking further spending reviews with the aim of making further savings.
Streamlining of the Roma-Traveller services was being undertaken.
DCC were working with the Durham Rural Community Council (DRCC) and the voluntary sector in the aim of service reorganisation and efficiencies.

1119. To consider correspondence received.
The Clerk advised of the notice received for a Headstone Inscription.
The Clerk advised the information received concerning the Notification of the Tax Base and the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme. This would be used to assist the council in determining its precept for 2015-2016.

1120. Policies and Procedures of the Council.
The Clerk had drafted a variety of policies for members’ consideration and suggested members consider the contents of these and any such revisions could be forwarded to the clerk prior to next meeting when these documents will be considered for adoption.

1121. Email and Website Progress.
The Clerk advised that the email system was set up and change of address and compilation of contacts was taking place. Up to 10 email accounts were available and the Clerk would set up accounts for members. The website address was purchased and hosting arranged. The software for editing the site was also purchased and the Clerk would be reading the manual and commence building the site.

1122. Consultations on Planning. There were none.

1123. Memorial Garden.
The Clerk advised that he had attended a site meeting with the contractors and groundwork regarding the completion of the scheme. Several plants were struggling but it was agreed that they may pull through during the defects period and if not would be replaced. A tree had been broken (vandalism not covered) but it was still capable of recovering. The strengthening plates were being fitted that morning and were suitable to prevent the memorial plinths from wavering.

1124. Accounts.
Agreed that the accounts for the past month totalling £11,529.79 (vouchers 302011 to 302018) submitted to the meeting be approved for payment. The invoice concerning the Landscape works would be held until members had visited the site with contractor to address any outstanding matters.

1125. Exchange of Information.

1126. Date and time of next meeting.
9th December 2014 at 6.30pm in the Community Centre Station Road.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.


Minutes of the Meeting of Trimdon Foundry parish council held on Thursday, 11th November 2014