Mesdame:- G E Elliott
Messrs:- G Elliott & J France
County Councillor L Hovvels

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies for absence had been submitted and accepted from Councillor Mrs L Grigg and Mr L Grigg. The Chairman asked that the Parish Council’s kind regards be conveyed to Councillor Mrs Grigg along with their Get Well Wishes.

1026. THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING a copy of which had been circulated to each Member, were accepted. There was an issue relating to the vacancy and this was to be clarified for the next meeting.

The Police were not in attendance at the meeting. It was reported there had been several distressing local incidents and County Councillor Hovvels offered her support in contacting the Police on these matters. The report from the Street Wardens was circulated for Member’s information.

It Was reported the planning application for the erection of a Hay Barn had been granted planning approval.
RESOLVED the information given, be noted.

Consideration was given to a list of correspondence received since the last meeting, a copy of which had been circulated to each Member.

Consideration was given to the request received from the Residents Association and it was felt that there was a lot of good will at the Association and they made a vast impact on the community. They were struggling financially. The Clerk did advise there was a limit on Section 137 expenditure and she asked for the opportunity to interrogate the accounts system to ensure the Parish Council did not exceed this. The Chairman asked the Members for their wishes it was unanimously RESOLVED:-

(i) a donation of £3,000.00 be made to the Trimdon Station Residents Association;
(ii) the remainder of the correspondence be accepted.


• Drainage issues
There were massive drainage issues at the allotment sites, Purvis Terrace, next to the Top Shop. It was suggested that a joint multi agency meeting be arranged with Durham County Council, Northumbrian Water and the Working Party established to consider this issue. RESOLVED a meeting be arranged as soon as possible.

1031. REPORTS:-

Member’s Individual Reports
(i) Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported on the Localism Bill and the Neighbourhood Bill. He reported on problems involving the Police in the village and again on speeding cars and motorbikes. RESOLVED the contents of the Chairman’s report be noted.

(ii) Councillor France
A Walkway to the play area
It was reported the walkway/footpath to the play area was eroded and overgrown. It was asked if this could be improved. It was suggested that perhaps the local College or the Probation Service may be able to assist. RESOLVED this be investigated further.

B Footpath – Windsor Gardens
It was reported the footpath at this location was unfinished and the kerbs were standing proud. RESOLVED this be reported to the Highways Action Line.

C Fencing outside the Top Shop
It was reported the fencing at this location was leaning dangerously. RESOLVED that contact be made with the owner to make safe and repair the fence.

(iii) Councillor Mr G Elliott
Councillor Mr Elliott reported on the ongoing drainage issues and offered to meet with Officers of DCC to try and resolve the issue at the end of Luke Street. RESOLVED progress be awaited.

(iv) County Councillor’s Report
Councillor Hovvels gave progress on the CAT Team work and the positive environmental initiatives which she hoped the Parish Council would work in partnership to achieve. She felt the positive changes would help lift the area and compliment planters already in place. The local primary school were also to be involved. Details were given of problems with empty properties which was a widespread problem with many of the housing providers. Details of awards made under her Neighbourhood Budget had been posted on the Trimdon Times web site. The Early Years Strategy was to be considered at the next DCC Cabinet Meeting and this was a very important document. It linked into the wider health agenda and health watch and the health agenda provided a voice for the community. Durham County Council had been entered for Council of the Year and the results were awaited. RESOLVED the report be noted.

(v) Resident’s Issues

A Garden & Garage Rents
Members had been circulated with copies of the various representations made by local residents following bills being sent out following the last meeting. Local Members also reported on verbal reports made to them.
RESOLVED a Special Meeting be held to consider the rents further. FURTHER RESOLVED Rent cheques received, be returned, the rent charges remain unchanged at £10.00 & £12.00 for this year.

B Land to the Rear of Station Road

Members had been circulated with a copy of an e mail received from Mr Tully, the contents of which were considered. It was agreed that the ownership issues made this land even more complicated to resolve. It would be cleaned up again with this was only a temporary measure. The necessary legal procedure would continue to be progressed. It was suggested that the Parish Council continue to press Durham County Council for progress. RESOLVED this course of action be agreed.

C Possible closure of the Local Post Office
The Clerk spoke on the issue with the Post Office and possible closure and it was agreed this was another difficult issue that had no easy solution. The Chairman advised a petition had been sent to the Minister and this was a national issue. It was suggested that the clerk investigate if there were avenues that could be explored to make representations for the local post office to be kept. RESOLVED progress be awaited.

D HGVs travelling through the Village
It was reported this was continuing to be a problem with vehicles using the village as a cut through to avoid the local testing site. RESOLVED this be reported to the Police and Durham County Council.

E Crossing at the Top Shop
It was reported there was a petition being circulated to try and get action on getting a safe crossing point to pedestrians at this point. RESOLVED a site meeting be arranged to consider this urgent matter.

Residents asked for reports to be made to tidy the footpaths and clean them. RESOLVED a litter pick be requested along with a clean of the footpaths.


i) Accounts for Payment
RESOLVED that the action taken in paying accounts with cheque payments totalling £6,112.29 presented at the meeting for approval, be endorsed.

(ii) Bank Reconciliations
Members were circulated with the Bank Reconciliations for February 2014. RESOLVED that the reconciliations be accepted.

1033. Clerk’s report
The Clerk’s report was circulated and considered and included the following items:- cemetery, Memorial Garden Project – Progress, re payment received from NPower, roof repair completed, casual vacancy which closed on 18th March 2014, consultation with the local school children for the Gateways Project, proposed play area, garage and garden rent review, council tax capping, the issue of dog bags and the policy used.


(a) the grit bin be sited at the top of Cinnamon Drive be sited at the top of the estate next to the Nursing Home;

(b) additional drainage works to the Car Park in the memorial Garden, identified at a cost of £681.00, be approved.

(c) A report be made to the Police on the person causing damage with the metal detector;

(d) Dog bags be ordered and their issue be more strictly controlled;

(e) Members agree the wording on this plaque for Mr Howie at the next meeting.

(f) Further consideration be given to the play area proposal, considering the level of rent that will be charged;

(g) Approval be given to the installation of a gate to the proposed new access to a dedicated allotment site at a cost of £340.00 plus vat, at plot No 23, by Trevor Burn Fencing Ltd.

RESOLVED the next meeting be on Tuesday 8th April 2014 at 6.30pm and the AGM and annual Electors Meeting be held on Tuesday 27th May 2014. A Special Meeting be held on either Tuesday 25th March or 1st April 2014 at 6.30pm with garage and garden holders to consider the future rents.