Mesdames:- G E Elliott & L Grigg
Messrs:- J France & J Grigg
County Councillor L Hovells

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies for absence had been submitted and accepted from Councillor G Elliott.

1002. THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING a copy of which had been circulated to each Member, were approved.

Matters Arising
Minute Number 998(vi) Clerks Report – Attendance and conduct by members of the public – Reference was made to this matter and the point was re inforced. RESOLVED this be noted.

The Police were not in attendance at the meeting. The statistics received from the Wardens were circulated for Member’s information. RESOLVED the information given be noted.

Receipt of the following application details was reported:-
Mr E Grieves Ref CE/13/01698
Butchers & Barbers Shops, Front Street Trimdon
Replacement Shop fronts with roller shutters

Members were pleased to note the details that they hope would improve the appearance of the shops and thanks to County Councillor Hovells were recorded. RESOLVED no comments be offered on the application submitted.

Consideration was given to a list of correspondence received since the last meeting, a copy of which had been circulated to each Member. RESOLVED:-

(i) a donation of £50.00 be made to the County Council Benevolent Fund and Haswell & District Mencap;

(ii) the letter of thanks received from the Band be noted;

(ii) the remainder of the correspondence be accepted.


• Drainage issues

Progress was requested and there was discussion on the drainage in the recreation area where it was agreed a full scheme needed to be considered. The Chairman suggested a full list of issues and locations needed to be complied for action and Durham County Council should be asked for their support. Councillor France reported on three motor vehicle accidents on Christmas Day which he felt were caused by running water on Wingate Road. Areas to the rear of Malvern Crescent and Luke Street were still flooding and it was asked these be reported again as a matter of urgency. It was suggested a site visit be held for Windsor Street and the Local Member offered to carry this out with officers of the County Council. RESOLVED the reports be made and along with a request for a site meeting.

1007. REPORTS:-

Member’s Individual Reports

(i) Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported that the CAT Team work had made definite improvements in the village, with in particular Holmlea Terrace and the area to the rear of Rodwell Street being cleared. He reported again on the drainage issues where he stressed the Parish Council needed to do as much as they could with this matter. He had raised this at a recent meeting and asked why the planning section did not enforce that the appropriate infrastructure for drainage had to be included in all schemes with developers. He suggested that cameras needed to be used and a full and thorough survey of the drains and repairs that were required was urgent. He reported on cars speeding through the village and reported a near miss at the chicane that he had reported to the Police. He reported there appeared to have been a very limited presence by the Street Wardens in the village over the recent holiday period. RESOLVED the contents of the Chairman’s report be noted.

(ii) Councillor Mrs G Elliott
Councillor Elliott reported that a site inspection had been made by the contractors for the cabin roof repair. RESOLVED that subject to the price being acceptable this repair be carried out as a matter of urgency.

It was asked for consideration to be given to the continued maintenance of the bowling green that was not used by the bowlers. RESOLVED maintenance be discontinued on the bowling green until further notice.

(iii) Councillor France
The concern for the flooding on Wingate Road and the need for an urgent repair to the recreation cabin was given. RESOLVED the information given be noted.

(iv) Councillor J Grigg
Councillor Grigg expressed his concern that the fence on the main route to school across the bridge, damaged during recent storms had not been repaired. RESOLVED this be reported again for urgent attention.

It was reported the Perspex on the notice board at the recreation area was broken. RESOLVED this be repaired.

Councillor Grigg reported on pot holes in Windsor Street, Malvern Crescent, Beech Grove and Sycamore Crescent. The paths leading to Foundry Mews still required repair and the verges at the top of St Aidans Terrace still required attention. The hand rail still needed to be replaced on the steps to the footpath at the top of the village. RESOLVED the necessary reports be made once again.

(v) County Councillor’s Report
Councillor Hovells gave a comprehensive de brief of the work carried out by the CAT Team in the village. They had been pleased with the response and involvement of the community with 144 cases of rubbish being removed, 30 void properties identified, drainage problems identified, notices served on properties highways referrals and footpath repairs reported, pest control issues; there were drop in sessions held in the Community Centre with various agencies checks 4 Life, Energy efficiency advice, PAT Testing, trading standards with over 30 residents getting involved. The fire damaged house had been sold, litter picks completed and a rubbish bin to be replaced with a dual purpose bin. Test purchases had also been carried out. Feedback had been given to the community and an exit strategy compiled. The project would be evaluated and feedback would be given and whilst there was still work to do it was agreed that this was an excellent start to build on and the exercise had been useful. It was explained there may be Section 106 monies available for the Parish Council to submit a claim for towards environmental schemes etc. The Parish Council were keen for this to be investigated as it was suggested that perhaps such funding could be used to enhance the proposed play area for May/Wood Crescent. RESOLVED the contents of the report be noted and thanks be recorded for County Councillor Hovells support and efforts. FURTHER RESOLVED an expression of interest be made to Durham County Council for unclaimed funding under Section 106 towards the works to the new play area in May/Wood Crescent.

County Councillor Hovells and Councillors Mr & Mrs Grigg left the meeting at this point.

(v) Resident’s Issues
It was reported next to 30 Sycamore Crescent was a large pot hole. Progress was requested and given on the proposed play area. Grave concern was expressed again on the danger for pedestrians crossing the road next to the Top Shop and it was asked that the Parish Council continue to put pressure onto the highways authority to make improvements to this point of crossing.

The Centre Manager reported on a further loss to the services being provided at the Community Centre with the end of the Fit for Life Scheme. He was concerned that this was another loss to the community where the voluntary sector would have to pick up and provide. He explained some of the users of this service had been attending classes twice a week for over 10 years and the social aspect of this was extremely important with an established rapport and relationship with trainers, not only the health benefits, and for this service to be withdrawn suddenly with no exit strategy he felt was disappointing and he asked for the Parish Council’s support in recording their objection to this. The Chairman reported he was aware of this and the cuts in funding taking place across the whole county and it was felt that whilst people were being encouraged to live more healthy and make positive changes to their lifestyle with diet and exercise, with drawing such programmes without a replacement, good transport links etc and starting new groups elsewhere when there were already well used, well established groups in existence was a nonsense. Mention was also given to the asset transfer currently taking place which was a positive step but then for services to be withdrawn from the Centre did not complement or reinforce that move. In an area of high social deprivation and social exclusion withdrawal of services and relying on the voluntary extended which was already overextended was a detrimental step and it was RESOLVED a letter as requested be sent to Durham County Council.

(vi) Clerk’s Report
Consideration was given to the Clerk’s report, a copy of which had been circulated to each Member. The report gave updates and progress with the cemetery, Maintenance of Playground Equipment; Changing Accommodation – Roof Repairs Required; Phase II Memorial Garden Scheme – Progress; Trimdon Gateway Scheme – Progress; Play Area.

RESOLVED advice from Durham County Council regarding play area repairs, be awaited, the roof to the cabin be repaired as a matter of urgency; approval be given to the funding conditions relating to the Gateway Scheme.


i) Accounts for Payment
RESOLVED that the action taken in paying accounts with cheque payments totalling £1,595.16 presented at the meeting for approval, be endorsed.

(ii) Bank Reconciliations
Members were circulated with the Bank Reconciliations for December 2013. RESOLVED that the reconciliations be accepted.

(iii) Consideration of the Precept/Budget for 2014/15
The Clerk circulated for Members details to assist with deliberations in setting the precept. RESOLVED the precept be set at £58,369.00, with £11,160.00 LCTSS Grant from Durham County Council, representing £172.43 for a Band D property.

(iv) Contracts and Agreements
Following discussion it was agreed a Special Meeting be held to consider contractors, agreements, to review all operations to ensure the Parish Council were obtaining value for money and a good standard of service. RESOLVED the Clerk prepare a report for this meeting and then a suitable date be agreed to meet.

RESOLVED the next meeting be on Tuesday 11th February 2014 at 6.30pm.