Information Update – 21st June 2008

Trimdon Colliery Community Centre.
In recent months it has come to our attention that numerous incidents of damage have occurred to the Community Centre. After an increase in patrols at this location the damage has reduced and one local youth has been arrested for these offences. However youths are still congregating in this location in order to drink alcohol, anyone stopped in this location with alcohol will have the alcohol seized and be subject to a home visit where parents will be spoken to and advised.

Damage to School premises Trimdon Village.
Recent operations to tackle issues with youths congregating on school grounds has been successful and will continue. One local youth has now been charged with criminal damage to school premises and will be attending court. Anyone living in the vicinity of school premises who witness youths on the premises should contact police.

Criminal Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO).
We already have one youth in the village who is subject to one of these orders, we are now in the process of seeking another order for another local youth.

Anyone who persistently offends at any level can be subject to one of these orders which is obtained through the courts, certain conditions are applied to the order to prevent further offending and assist with the local communities quality of life.




Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853