Information Update – 10th July 2008
School Watch.
With the school holidays approaching the School watch scheme for the Trimdons has been launched. Local school children will be sent home a letter from me via their respective schools. The letter requests parents to be aware of where they children are over the holiday periods and outlines offences that can be committed if anyone is found on school premises without permission. Local residents who live near school premises will also receive a leaflet asking them to contact police should they see anyone on school premises the scheme is also being supported by the local press.
Operation Balcraig.
The above operation has been running in Sedgefield Village over recent weeks in order to reduce an increase in incidents of anti social behaviour. During the operation a large number of youths from Sedgefield and surrounding villages have been stopped and quantities of alcohol have been seized. This is then followed up with a home visit in order for the person concerned and the parents to be further advised/warned.
Off Road Motorcycles.
A reminder to anyone with an off road bike or quad bike that should you use the bike on surrounding farm land then you will need written permission off the land owner to use the land. In a recent incident a local male was found on a scrambler bike on land without permission and had already received an official recorded warning from police.
The male concerned had his bike seized and was then liable for the costs for the recovery and storage of the bike.
Anyone found on the public highway requires full licence, insurance and an MOT without these you will have the bike seized, a warning will not be issued.
Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853