Information Update – 16th April 2008

Trimdon Colliery Community Centre
has recently been subject to numerous incidents of criminal damage. The majority of the damage has been to windows, to date police have no suspects for these offences. Can anyone with any information in relation to these offences please contact Pc1636 John Seymour of the Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team on 0845 60 60 365.

Damage at Trimdon Community College
In recent weeks there has been an increase in damage to Trimdon Community College . Windows have been smashed and graffiti found on walls of the premises, enquiries are ongoing in relation to two possible suspects. Any one with any further information in relation to any incidents at this location please contact me asap.

Reduction in Garage Crimes.
After a recent increase in garage burglaries two local males have been arrested and all incidents of this type have stopped. Some property has been traced and returned to the victims, can I request that everyone remains vigilant and keeps all garage and sheds locked to prevent any further crimes.

Passive drugs dog.
Over recent weekends we have a ran an operation using the force passive drugs dog and handler. Numerous Public Houses have been visited, the passive dog can indicate to attending officers if any persons have controlled substances in their possession or if controlled drugs have been on the premises.

School Watch
During the school holidays if anyone sees any person on school premises causing annoyance or behaving in an anti social manner please can you contact us on the usual number, alternatively if you have any information which you want to pass anonymously please feel free to e-mail me.



Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853