Information Update – 11th December 2008
PACT – Police and Communities Together. (updated 17th Dec)
Police and Communities Together (PACT) meetings will be taking place on a monthly basis in 2009 in Trimdon and Trimdon Grange/Colliery.
This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak with local Neighbourhood Police Teams in order to establish want concerns/issues the public have about the village they live in. Each monthly meeting will result in three Neighbourhood PACT Priorities being agreed for each area.
The meetings are open to any member of the public to attend, the format will be a monthly meeting at Trimdon Community College, Trimdon Village starting at 6pm on the 7th of January 2009. Residents of Trimdon Grange and the Colliery can attend Trimdon Grange Community Centre at 6pm on the 12th of January 2009. Meetings will be for one hour and will have an open agenda, dates of each monthly meetings will be publicised with a press and poster campaign.
Mini Motos
Advice for those parents who wish to purchase a mini moto or motorised scooter for Christmas:
Anyone who uses a mini moto or motorised scooter must have at least a moped licence, rider must have valid insurance, and if the machine is over three years old it must have an m.o.t. The machine cannot be used on the pavement, if using on private land please obtain permission of the land owner. Only persons over the age of 16 can fit this criteria and must wear a helmet.
Failure to adhere to the legislation can lead to the machine being seized by police and destroyed and the rider facing court action.
Vehicle thefts
In recent weeks we have had incidents of vehicles being stolen with the keys in off drive ways whilst the owners allow the vehicle to de frost. This sort of crime has received nationwide media attention, can all local residents be mindful of how they de frost vehicles.
Farm Watch
Farm Watch is now being set up in the surrounding Villages. The aim of the scheme is to give local farmers and occupants of rural properties a crime ring information system. The system is based on a telephone ring round scheme which local Police put information on which is then delivered to each farm premises. The information can be anything from recent criminal activity at farm premises to a suspicious vehicle or person sighted on farm property.
During the coming months every farm premises will be visited and the scheme will be fully explained and offered to each premises. Every person who signs up to the scheme will be asked to pass on information to surrounding premises and will get posters to put up at the entrance to their property and be given a information pack.
Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853