Information Update – 16th October 2008
Parking – Church Road Trimdon Village .
Over the last 12 months or so we have made a concerted effort in an attempt to improve parking along Church Road in Trimdon Village . All local shops have been issued with posters which give general advice about where to park. The Infants School has also sent home letters to parents again advising about parking at school open and closing times.
The general theme of the advice is to use all the available parking spaces provided at the front and rear of Church Road as well as the CO-OP car park. The main issues that have come to our attention are vehicles which double park along the front of the shops in Church Road , vehicle’s which use the bus stops and vehicles which double park at the side of the betting shop.
Police have repeatedly publicised local concerns and issued detailed advice to local residents and shop keepers. Numerous warning notices for parking offences have already been issued, however drivers continue to park illegally. The only option available to us now is to issue fixed penalty notices which incur a £30 fine. Parking offences in Church Road will now be dealt with by way of fixed penalty notice.
Vehicle Crime
Vehicle crime has been on the increase in the last month, works vehicles in particular being the target. Most incidents involve the vehicle having its rear window smashed and a quantity of tools being taken. Owners of these vehicles should take extra care and consider removing high valued tools from they vehicles overnight.
Drugs Information
In recent weeks as a result of information passed to local officers a number of persons have been stopped and searched in public places in relation to possession of drugs. Recently 2 persons have been arrested for possession of controlled drugs after both were searched along with the vehicle they were in. Any one who has information to suggest that anyone is in possession of drugs or supplying drugs can contact me in person or anonymously, all information will remain confidential and acted on accordingly.
Counterfeit Currency
Recently there have been counterfeit £20 notes in circulation in Trimdon and surrounding villages.
As a result of local information two local males have been arrested and are currently on police bail pending further enquiries. All are reminded to check the authenticity of £20 notes anything suspicious should be brought to the attention of the police or a local bank.
Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853