Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail Tuesday December 31st 1930.
Trimdon Old Lady’s 90 Years in Village.
To have lived in the village all of her life is a proud record of Mrs. Hannah Robinson, of Front Street, Trimdon Village, who tomorrow celebrates her 90th birthday. She is the oldest resident in the village, where both her mother and grandmother were born.
Mrs. Robinson, who has been a widow for 33 years, though she has been denied her sight during the past four years, still pays her household accounts, easily distinguishing the differences in the various coins and notes.
She has never been to a kinema and on only one occasion has listened in to the wireless. Also she has never once visited the seaside, though she resides only eight miles away from the coast.
Her “family tree” consists of 101 descendants, including 37 great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Robinson is not greatly impressed with the modern girl and cares little about their short skirts and shingled heads.
Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail Tuesday December 22nd 1931.
Eight miles away. But never been to Seaside.
Mrs. Hannah Robinson, of Front Street, Trimdon Village’s oldest inhabitant, celebrates 91st birthday on New Year’s Day. Both her mother and grandmother were born in the village, and she was baptised and christened in the same church, Saint Mary Magdalene’s, Trimdon Village. Though Mrs. Robinson has been blind for five years, she still manages her household.
Although born only eight miles away from the coast she has never visited the Seaside. She has 37 great-grandchildren.
Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail Tuesday July 5th 1932.
Mrs. Hannah Robinson, known affectionately as “Granny” Robinson, the oldest woman in Old Trimdon, reached the age of 91 years on Jan. 1.
“Granny” Robinson is one of the most remarkable women in County Durham, for despite being blind she is as active and alert, both in body and mind, as the majority of people 30 to 40 years her junior. She presides over the household arrangements as methodically as she did in the days when bringing up her own children. Despite her blindness, she can not only name the coins of the realm, but definitely distinguish a ten Shilling note from a pound note. Her recipe for long life is, “Up in the morning early, good walks, plenty of work, and good, substantial, plain food.
“I am a thorough ‘Old Trimdonian,’ she declared to me.” My grandmother, myself, and my family of 13 children were all born in the parish, and I have never lived out of it except for a few months. “My parents had ten children. Three daughters and four sons still survived of my children.”
“Is it correct to say you have never seen the sea,” I asked. Granny’s quick response was, “Yes, I have seen it from the railway train when going to West Hartlepool, but I have never actually being to it. I have never been to a kinema, but I have listened to the wireless.”
“How many descendants have you really got?” I ventured, and the response came: “From 110 to 120, and they include about 40 great-grandchildren, some of whom lived next door.”
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