Durham County Advertiser Saturday April 16th 1825 (also on Apr. 23rd).
To be SOLD by Auction,
At Mr. John Johnson’s Black Bull Inn, Trimdon, on Tuesday the 3rd day of May, 1825, at twelve o’clock at noon.
Lot 1. All that MANSION or DWELLING-HOUSE, containing seven fire rooms, cellars, dairy, and every other convienience. Also, all that valuable and compact BREWERY and MALTING, situate at Trimdon, as of now occupied by Mr. Bryan Garthwaite, together with the brewing utensils, consisting of two coppers, a cooler, mash tub, vats, &c.;
With a good GARDEN well stocked with fruit trees; and a GARTH, containing an acre or thereabouts, behind the same. The brewery and malting are in excellent repair, and have good granaries for storing malt and barley, and are well adapted for carrying on an extensive business.
Lot 2. All that well-accustomed PUBLIC HOUSE and BUTCHER’S SHOP, with a GARDEN behind the same, as now occupied by John Johnson.
Lot 3. All that FARM OF LAND, situate at the south side of the village of Trimdon, containing 28 acres, or thereabouts, of arable, meadow, and pasture land; now in the possession of Mr. Bryan Garthwaite. On this land is a small plantation of about 15 years’ growth.
The above property is about 3 miles from Sedgefield, 9 from Durham, 12 from Stockton and 7 or 8 from the Hetton collieries. They are held by lease for 999 years.
For particulars apply to Mr. BRYAN GARTHWAITE, Trimdon, the owner.
Durham County Advertiser July 5th 1824.
To be SOLD by Auction, By Mr. WM SMITH.
At the house of Mr. Kemp, Innkeeper, in Trimdon, in the County of Durham, on Friday the 30th day of July instant, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon.
Together or in lots, as may be agreed upon at the time of sale, and entered upon at Michaelmass next.
SIX FIELDS of excellent Arable and Pasture LAND, held by lease for a long term of years, adjoining each other, and contiuous to the town of Trimdon, containing together twenty-six acres or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr. Bryan Garthwaite, the owner, who will show the same.
Durham County Advertiser July 9th 1825.
And entered upon immediately,
That complete and old-established BREWERY, situate at Trimdon, in the County of Durham, lately in the occupation of Mr. Bryan Garthwaite, with all the FIXTURES and UTENSILS (casks excepted), calculated for the carrying on an extensive business; together with an excellent DWELLING-HOUSE and convenient out-buildings; also a PUBLIC-HOUSE in good repair, adjoining the Brewery, containing sitting and lodging-rooms, &c. adapted to the accommodation of genteel company, with stables and coach-house contiguous.
The tenant may be accommodated with a suitable quantity of OLD GRASS LAND, close to the Brewery.
Mr. James Sanderson, at Trimdon, will shew the premises; and further particulars may be obtained on application to the owner, GEORGE SMITH, Esq. Beverley, Yorkshire.
Bryan and Hannah were living in Newcastle at the time of the 1841 Census. They lived in the “All Saints District”, where his occupation is that of an Innkeeper. In the 1851 Census his occupation is that of retired shirt merchant. Both Bryan and Hannah died in Newcastle in 1856 and 1862 respectively.
While living in Trimdon, Bryan and Hannah had five children, Margaret, Hannah, Bryan, Thomas and William. The three boys died at young ages as shown by the following notices:
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