Deaf Hill Ward Regeneration Partnership
Station Road East
Trimdon Station
County Durham
TS29 6BS
January 2015
Dear Parent / Guardian
As you may be aware, Trimdon Station Community Centre runs a number of weekly youth sessions that provide activities within a safe environment for children and young people to get involved with.
In recent years, after parental consultation, it was agreed each session would carry a ‘sub’ of 50p per child. We have also had a policy of turning no children or young person away if they did not have the 50p. This money goes a little way towards room hire, electricity and heating costs, resources for all sessions and providing the children and young people attending the junior youthies with a drink of diluting juice, with external funding covering the rest.
In recent weeks the community centre has had some sad news regarding funding applied for to support the youth sessions. The community centre was unsuccessful in 2 applications to East Durham Rural Corridor Area Action Partnership. We have received no correspondence back from local members who were written to in March 2014 requesting support for our youth sessions. We had many things planned such as residential and trips out.
Therefore, it is with great regret that we have had to make the decision that we can no longer allow our youth sessions to be provided free of charge should the children or young people not have 50p ‘subs’. Currently there will be no trips, residential or summer programme unless other funding can be found. It has previously been our policy that we turn no child or young person away; regardless of the area they live in, or if they have no money to pay their `subs’; but this will now change.
From 5th January 2015, ALL SESSIONS will carry a charge of 50p per person per session. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Jo Taylor, BA (Hons)
Youth and Community Development Worker
Jo TaylorYouth and Community Development Worker01429 882200
Trimdon Station Community Centre – Funding Update January 2015