Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Trimdon Parish Council held in Trimdon Community College, Trimdon Village on Tuesday 12 November 2019 at 7:00pm.
Present: Councillor John Burton (in the Chair) and Councillors Denise Davison, Bernadette Oliver, Ian Quinn, David Smith and Paul Trippett.
Anne Delandre (Clerk to the Council) was in attendance to record the minutes and County Councillor Peter Brookes was in attendance to report on County Council matters.
Apologies for absence were received from Eileen Dickinson, George Elliott, Margaret Elliott, Rob Gilbert, Margaret Hughes and Leslie Oliver.
Resolved that the above apologies be approved.
Councillors Burton and B Oliver have been granted a dispensation allowing them to participate and vote on any future parish council business concerning Trimdon Community College Association as, without the dispensation, the number of persons prohibited from participating in any particular business would be so great a proportion of the body transacting the business as to impeded the transaction of the business.
Resolved that the above be noted.
There were no members of the public in attendance.
Resolved that the above be noted.
County Councillor Peter Brookes reported on the following items:
- DCC is making progress regarding the agricultural vehicles illegally parking on the Village Green and turning circle
- Increasing incidents of fly-tipping - these can be reported by residents using the DCC ‘do it online’ facility
- 10th Anniversary of Lumiere
- Full Council meeting recently approved Sedgefield Town Council’s Neighbourhood Plan
- DCC is in a period of Purdah as a result of the announcement of a General Election
Resolved that the above be noted.
The minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2019 had been circulated with the Agenda.
Resolved that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 8 October 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2019.
Resolved that the above be noted.
The following planning application was submitted for consideration.
8 Grange Terrace, Trimdon Grange
Single storey rear extension
11 Cleveland Avenue, Trimdon Village
Two storey side/rear extension
Resolved that no comment be offered in respect of either planning application.
a) There were no items of expenditure approved by the Chairman under Section 4.1 of the Financial Regulations.
Resolved that the item of expenditure approved be noted.
b) The Clerk detailed expenditure requiring payment by cheque/BACS.
Resolved that the payments be approved.
c) The Clerk submitted the schedule of payments made between 1 October 2019 and 31 October 2019
Resolved that the schedule of payments be approved.
d) The Clerk submitted the schedule of receipts received between 1 October 2019 and 31 October 2019.
Resolved that the schedule of receipts be approved.
e) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) for the period ended 31 October 2019. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) be approved and the Chairman sign the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.
f) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) for the period ended 31 October 2019. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) be approved and the Chairman sign the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.
a) The Clerk’s Report regarding requests for parish council grants, together with a list of requests for funding for the financial year 2020/2021 had been circulated with the Agenda. An updated list was circulated at the meeting.
- That the report be noted.
- That Trimdon Concert Brass Band be awarded a donation of £1,000 under the General Power of Competence.
- That Trimdon Community College Association be awarded a donation of £22,000 under the General Power of Competence.
- That Trimdon Grange Banner Group be awarded a donation of £350 under the General Power of Competence.
- That Trimdon Colliery Banner Group be awarded a donation of £350 under the General Power of Competence.
- That Trimdon Village Hall Association be awarded a donation of £5,000 under the General Power of Competence.
- That Trimdon United Junior FC be awarded a donation of £1,000 under the General Power of Competence.
- That Trimdon Grange Community Centre be awarded a donation of £5,000 under the General Power of Competence.
- That Trimdon Youth Clubs be awarded a donation of £5,000 under the General Power of Competence.
- That Bluebell Meadow Primary School be awarded a donation of £1,000 under the General Power of Competence.
- That a Grants/Donations Budget of £45,000 be approved for the financial year 2020/2021.
b) The Clerk’s Report regarding the future arrangements for grass cutting of parish-owned land was circulated with the Agenda.
1. That the report be noted.
2. That the parish council ceases cutting the grass at the following locations:
a) The former playing fields, Trimdon Grange
b) Bluebell Meadow Primary School, Trimdon Village
c) St William’s Catholic Academy, Trimdon Village
3. That the parish council pursues the possibility of the land at the former playing fields, Trimdon Grange, being developed into a Woodland Creation, with a further report to be brought to the parish council at the appropriate time.
4. That the current ride-on mower be sold.
5. That future Seasonal Gardeners be employed on 30 hours per week.
c) The Clerk updated the meeting on the findings of the RoSPA Inspections of the parish council’s play parks that were undertaken in June 2019. The reports highlighted that all three play parks require expenditure on the play surfaces.
Quotations have been received from Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. to carry out the work required.
- That the quotation to cut back and repair wetpour PAD1 and to cut back and repair wetpour under the slide at Skerne Avenue Play Park, Trimdon Village be accepted.
- That the quotation to infill surfacing with light green wetpour repair kit and for the removal of existing carpet and ground fixing and infill of blue wetpour at Trimdon Colliery Play Park be accepted.
- That the quotation for the supply of a bespoke sign and the cut back and repair of existing wetpour at Trimdon Grange Play Park be accepted.
d) The Parish Clerk advised that, as a result of the forthcoming General Election, the parish council has now entered into a period of Purdah and all members must ensure that they remain cautious around any activity or communication that could be perceived as political or controversial.
Resolved that the above be noted.
a) The Clerk gave details of the response from Action Fraud following the official complaint regarding their handling of the recent fraud involving the parish council.
Resolved that the above be noted.
b) Correspondence has been received from ssafa inviting parish councils to take the leady in local celebrations marking the 75th Anniversay of the end of the war in EUROPE on 8 May 2020.
Trimdon Foundry Parish Council have invited a number of neighbouring parish councils to consider hosting joint celebrations.
- That the parish council hosts an event at Trimdon Community College on 8 May 2020.
- That a Working Group be established in January 2020 to organise the event.
- That Trimdon Foundry Parish Council be invited to jointly host this event.
c) A request for a financial donation has been received from Durham School Benevolent Society. The Clerk confirmed that she had been unable to identify any children of the parish who have benefitted from this fund.
Resolved that the request for funding be refused.
d) A request has been received from Trimdon Grange Community Centre for a financial donation towards their Christmas Party.
Resolved that a donation of £100 be awarded under the General Power of Competence.
e) A request has been received from Trimdon Toddlers for a financial donation towards their Christmas Party.
Resolved that a donation of £100 be awarded under the General Power of Competence.
f) A copy of the National Association of Local Councils Magazine: Autumn 2019 had been circulated with the Agenda.
Resolved that the above be noted.
There were no matters for discussion.
Resolved that the above be noted.
Page added 23rd January 2020