Information Update – 6th July 2011
School Watch
In recent weeks we have launched a School Watch scheme in order to raise awareness and prevent damage and anti social behaviour on school premises during school holidays. Local school children will be sent letters via their respective schools outlining the concerns. Anyone who is found on school premises will be subject to positive action.
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team now has its own Facebook pages covering a variety of subjects and local information. Go to facebook.
Vehicle Crimes
Operation Tex has been set up in recent months to combat vehicle crime at the car parks of the Castle Eden Walk. Covert patrols are being carried out in particular on the busy weekends. All vehicle owners are requested not to leave valuables on display in parked vehicles.
Farm Crimes
This time of year can see an increase in crimes in and around farm premises. In recent weeks two males were disturbed trying to take diesel from a farm in Trimdon. Both males were disturbed and made off leaving their vehicle on the farm. Both males were not traced however the vehicle they left was found to be on false number plates, the vehicle was seized by Police and enquiries are on going. Please report any suspicious vehicles/incidents on Farms.
Skerne Avenue Play Park
In recent weeks a few local youths have taken upon themselves to use the Skerne Avenue Play Park after it has been locked. This park which is excellently maintained is a great facility for local youngsters, when the park is locked no one should enter the park by whatever means.
The next Trimdon Village PACT meeting will be on Wednesday the 3rd of August 2011 6pm at Trimdon Village Community College .
The next Trimdon Grange PACT meeting will be on Monday the 11th of August 2011 6pm at Trimdon Grange Community Centre.
The PACT priority for all the villages is currently speeding complaints on the B1278.
Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853