Information Update – 19th October 2011
Court Result
A young male from Trimdon Village has recently appeared at Durham Crown Court in connection with a robbery and three burglaries in Trimdon Village earlier this year. This male has now been sentenced to nine months in a young offender’s institute.
Sedgefield NPT would like to thank members of the local community who provided valuable information which lead to arrest of the male responsible.
On 15/10/2011 three local males from Trimdon Village were arrested in relation to numerous offences including burglary, theft of motor vehicle and theft. Some of these offences have occurred within the Sedgefield Neighbourhood area as well as in neighboring areas. Two males have been charged with four offences and have been remanded in custody until 25/10 when they will appear at Teesside Crown Court . A third male has been bailed pending further enquires.
Anti Social Behaviour
In recent weeks we have had an increase in complaints of anti social behaviour in the Redesdale Court area of Trimdon Grange. This weekend extra patrols will be deployed in this location in order to prevent further complaints and take positive action against those who are at the route of these complaints.
Information Update – 12th October 2011
Anti Social Behaviour – Trimdon Grange
In recent weeks there has been an increase in reports of anti social behaviour in the Redesdale Court area of Trimdon Grange. This matter was also raised at the last PACT meeting. Patrols will be increased when possible and positive action will be taken. Anyone with any information in relation to recent reports can contact me.
Off road Motorcycle Complaints – Trimdon Grange.
In recent weeks we have received complaints regarding the use of off road bikes/quads to the rear of Northside Buildings. Two local males have been warned regarding these complaints, anyone using the land for off road use should seek permission of the land owner.
Shop Lifting – Trimdon Village CO-OP.
In the last month we have had an increase in shop lifting at the Village CO-OP, the vast majority of the offences have been captured on CCTV and offenders have been identified and arrested. Anyone who commits an offence at the CO-OP will be then banned form the shop.
The Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team now has its dedicated Facebook pages with local updates and news.
Next PACT meetings.
Trimdon Village – Wednesday 28th of October 2011 6pm.
Trimdon Grange and Colliery – Monday the 31st of October 6pm.
Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853