Trimdon Village week of action a success
31st August, 2010
Police have been carrying out a week of action targeting low-level crime and quality of life issues in Trimdon Village.
Under the “not in my neighbourhood” banner officers executed four search warrants and arrested three people for drugs offences. Four cannabis plants and small quantities of cannabis bush and amphetamine were recovered.
Police joined HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in joint operations to target cigarettes and tobacco and in a clampdown on the use of illegal fuel 127 vehicles were stop-checked in Trimdon Village and one driver was fined.
Over a four-day period officers from the road policing unit carried out targeted patrols during which a woman was arrested for driving while disqualified and a man was arrested for drink-driving. Five endorsable fixed penalty tickets were issued for speeding, use of a mobile phone while driving and parking offences. Twenty negative breath tests were carried out.
A test purchase operation was carried out at seven premises with six failing the test by selling alcohol to a person under the age of 18. Fixed penalty notices were issued and three people were reported for summons.
Following concerns about speeding Sedgefield neighbourhood policing team (NPT) deployed a community speedwatch matrix within Trimdon Village and 34 warning letters were sent to registered keepers of offending vehicles.
During the initiative officers were based in the housing office in Church Road, Trimdon Village and a police community vehicle was deployed for two days in the Coop car park in Church Road. Staffed by officers from the Sedgefield NPT, it was very well attended by members of the public. Officers provided crime prevention advice and offered information on Neighbourhood Watch and issued crime prevention packs and equipment.
Crime prevention packs and an information letter on Neighbourhood Watch have been delivered to over 250 premises in the area and crime prevention equipment was issued to elderly residents.
Ten vehicles were identified as vulnerable in Operation Hawkeye during which Sedgefield NPT targeting insecure and/or vulnerable vehicles and sent the registered keepers of ten vehicles warning letters and security packs.
During directed patrols one local youth was arrested and received a youth final warning for a previously reported incident of criminal damage to the library in Church Road.
Trimdon Not in My Neighbourhood Evaluation
1st September 2010
The Not in My Neighbourhood Week of Action was carried out in an identified area of 500 properties within Trimdon Village based on Crime and Anti Social Behaviour analysis .The initiative took place from Monday 23rd August 2010 and Sunday 29th August 2010.
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Policing Team has been involved in a number of initiatives working with officers from the Road Policing Unit, Licensing Unit, Illegal Fuel Team and Her Majesty Revenue And Customs Enforcement Team.
Sedgefield NPT
4 x Magistrates Search Warrants executed under the Misuse of Drugs Act.
A total of 3 persons were arrested.
Joint Operation with Sedgefield NPT /HM Revenue and Customs over 2 days:
7 Private Addresses targeted
2 Retail Premises Targeted
1 Licensed Premise
A total of 4,400 illegal Cigarettes and 1.5kg of Hand Rolled Tobacco seized from three of those addresses.
Joint Operation with Road Policing Unit/ Illegal Road Fuel Team HMRC Sedgefield NPT:
127 Vehicles stop/checked – Bird In Hand Lay- By Trimdon Village
1 x Driver fined £ 500-00 – running on illegal fuel
Directed Patrols RPU
Officers from RPU were deployed and patrolled in the area over a four day period in support of the Initiative.
1 x female arrested for Disqualified Driving
1 x male arrested for Drink Driving
During that period RPU officers carried a number of Laser Speed checks in Front Street / Church Road.
5 x endorsable fixed penalty tickets issued for speeding/mobile phone offences/parking
1 x VDRS issued for minor road traffic offence.
20 Negative Breath Tests were carried out during the operation.
Directed Patrols – Off Road Motorcycle Unit.
Officers from the force motorcycle unit conduct patrols of hotspot areas in relation to complaints of ant social use of off road motorcycles.
Test Purchase Operation (On and Off Licensed Premises)
Sedgefield NPT/Licensing Unit
Operation Coalville
2 x Off Licensed Premises and 5 xs On Licensed Premises were visited.
6 x Premises failed during the Operation – by selling to person less than 18 years. (5 On Licensed and 1 Off Licensed Premises)
Community Speed Watch Sedgefield NPT:
Following the evaluation of the questionnaires issued to local residents prior to the week of action, speeding was identified as the main concern in the area.
In addition to the enforcement patrols provided by RPU Officers during the week, the Sedgefield NPT has deployed the Community Speed watch Matrix on a daily basis at various locations within the Village.
A total of 34 warning letters have been issued to registered keepers of offending vehicles.
The Durham Constabulary Reassurance Vehicle was deployed for 2 days in the Co Operative Car Park in Church Road. This was staffed by officers from the Sedgefield NPT – and was very well attended by members of the public. Officers provided crime prevention advice and offered information on Neighbourhood Watch and issued crime prevention packs and equipment.
Crime Prevention Packs (Secure Your Home) together with an information letter on Neighbourhood Watch have been delivered to over 250 premises in the area. The more vulnerable premises were targeted which included a number of elderly residents bungalows. These residents were also provided with a door sensor and /or a window/door alarm.
Directed high visibility foot, pedal cycle and mobile patrols have been conducted in the areas identified as anti social behaviour ‘hotspots’.
There has been only 1 reported incident of anti social behaviour and no reported crime in the target area throughout the duration of the Initiative.
3 stop forms were completed and 1 local youth nominated for the ASB Panel due to his recent behaviour.
Operation Hawkeye
Operation ‘HAWKEYE’ patrols have been performed in the area by officers from the Sedgefield NPT targeting insecure and/or vulnerable vehicles.
10 vehicles identified – warning letters and security packs to be sent out to the registered keepers.
During directed patrols 1 x local youth has been arrested and received a Youth Final warning for a previously reported incident of criminal damage to Library in Church Road Trimdon Village.
1 x vehicle seized under ‘Operation Takeaway’ for No Insurance.