St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon
Patronal Festival 2013
19th-21st July
Programme of Events
Friday 19th July – Annual Gift Day – envelopes can be returned to any church member, at any service or event, the model church in the Coop or to David and Graydon between 10 and 12 Noon outside the shops.
Saturday 20th July – Church History Open Day – come and enjoy the history of our magnificent 12th century church – viewing from 10-4pm with guided tours with local historian Adam Luke at 10:30, 12:30 and 2:30 (booking essential on 01429 882041). Many displays, demonstrations, refreshments and children’s activities throughout the day.
Sunday 21st July – Holy Communion by Extension at 10:30am.
Afternoon Tea in Church – 2-4 pm including a talk from Deputy Editor of The Northern Echo and writer of Echo Memories, Chris Lloyd, about the famous Maiden Voyage of the Titanic entitled “Attacking the Devil and Sinking the Unsinkable”. Tickets £5 available from Glennis Defty (01429) 880241.