Minutes of the Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 6.30pm at May Crescent Community House

1. Present
Cllrs: Carole Bell, Chairman, Rachael Collins, Gail Elliott, Gary Elliot, Brian Ferguson,
Mike Gilvin, Ian Storey. County Cllrs Lucy Hovvels, Jake Miller, Chris Varty.
9 members of the Public.

2. In Attendance
Cath Milburn Clerk and RFO for Trimdon Foundry Parish Council

3. Apologies for absence
None given

4. Notice of Motion to call the meeting to be held on 12th July 2022
Motion held

5. Declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed
Members were reminded of the need to declare any interest prejudicial or personal in accordance with the Code of Conduct as agreed by Council March 2017, and where relevant to update their Registered Interests.
None given
6. Dispensations
Consideration given for any requests to the Clerk for dispensations from Members who have declared an interest but wish to stay in the meeting for that item to aid discussion, to speak or to vote.
None required

7. Exclusion of the Press and Public
Consideration given for items on this agenda that are of a confidential nature such that the Press and Public are to be excluded from the discussions. Any such items to be taken at the end of the meeting.
Not required
9 members of the public present

8. Open Session
The meeting was adjourned for the open session
◦ Police and Wardens: report received
◦ County Councillor(s): report received
NB 2021/2022 Trimdon Station Community Garden £ 100.00
NB 2022/2023 Trimdon Foundry Parish (awaiting application) £1165.00
Minors Banner Group £ 600.00
Trimdon Station Community House Cooker £ 300.00
AAP Area Budget Deaf Hill Regeneration Partnership
Community Support £9004.00
Food and Fun Residents Association Breakfast Buddies
Summer 2021 £1340.00
Deaf Hill Regeneration Partnership Defibrillator
(Awaiting application) £1398.00
Investing in Childrens Creative Kitchen Half term Food Day
Feb 2022 £1254.00
Deaf Hill Partnership Half Term Fun Day £1254.00
Deaf Hill Partnership Autumn Fun Day £ 664.00
Deaf Hill Partnership Summer Fun £7407.05

◦ Public Participation (15 minutes): At the discretion of the Chairman members of the public will be invited to question the Parish Council on issues included in this Agenda

9. Minutes (*)
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 10th May 2022 as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 31st May 2022 as a true record.

10. Finance (*)
• It was RESOLVED to approve the payments list – signed by Cllr Gail Elliott, Acting Chairman, as Cllr Carole Bell was acting Clerk during the past months
• It was resolved to approve two months monthly bank statements
• It was resolved to approve two years cemetery water bills
• No grant applications received

11. Find and Fix Project
The work to the entrance of Memorial Park has been completed to a good standard
It was RESOLVED to send a letter of thanks to Find and Fix Project

12. Parishioners Email*
Cllr Carole Bell explained the limited remit, responsibilities and Statutory duties of a Parish Council:
• Allotments
• Bus Shelters
• Play Areas
• Community Grants
• Seating
• Maintenance of Deaf Hill Cemetery
• Comment on Planning

The following questions were forwarded to the meeting by email and the member of the Public was present. Responses were given by the Chairman and Councillors:

a) Merge Parish Councils
The Chair explained that this is not within the power of a Parish Council. A petition is required to be sent to the County Council who would then hold a referendum with both parishes. If the result was favourable, it would be forwarded to the Secretary of State for consideration at the next review. The precept would be merged within one pot of money for the new Parish to run.

b) Use of the Community Centre – meetings should be in both community buildings
The Parish Council does use the Community Centre for collecting allotment rents.
County Councillors had previously been stopped from using the building. They are integral to the running of the Parish Council with reference to giving advice, identifying funding and training opportunities and financially supporting projects. They pick up many issues beyond the Parish Council’s remit. It was also explained that the room hire was more expensive and the facilities provided for the meeting not as good

c) What happened to rebuild of green hut
The green hut is not part of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council, therefore unable to answer this

d) Do something about ASB. Attend PACT meetings
All Councillors are very active in reporting incidents to the police. The Police and Crime Commissioner has attended Parish Council meetings to feed back on the parishioners’ concerns. The Members regularly meet with the Police and PCOs and receive monthly reports and statistics on Crime figures. PACT meetings are in place for the public to raise issues with the Police

e) Develop or close walkways
It was explained that the Parish Paths are the responsibility of Durham County Council to maintain and that the paths which are legal pathways can be found on the DCC website

f) Tidy up the streets
With reference to litter, dog fouling, rubbish in gardens, these areas need to be reported to Durham County Council Do It On Line

g) The Back Street on Station Road West is sinking
This needs to be reported to Durham County Council. It is not a Parish Council issue.

h) Mend broken and damaged fences
Some fences are the responsibility of Durham County Council and some fences are the responsibility of the Parish Council. If identified as a Parish fence this will be addressed by the Parish Council.

i) Treat all equally
Further clarification is needed for a response – ****did anyone explain what was meant by this on the recording?

j) Update Parish website with expenditures and minutes for all to see
The Parish website is updated with Parish Council Minutes as soon as they are approved at the following monthly Parish Council Meeting. The financial reports are published after the end of year audit is complete. There is an exercise of Public Rights to review the financial reports every July

k) Parish sitting on a pot of money – development only in certain areas
The precept money each year is planned in advance. The Parish Council has been successful in applying for grants and are currently working on projects such as; CCTV equipment, Defibrillators and Christmas Tree lighting

l) Residents not treated the same
Further clarification is needed for a response Did anyone on the recording clarify what was meant?

m) Nothing done for Jubilee. No flag raised
This matter was raised with the Community Centre a number of months ago. The members thought that they could contribute to making a bigger and better event, however the members were advised that the Community Centre had no plans at that time and that they would prefer to go it alone. FODH did apply for a grant to run an event which we supported. It was decided not to put up the flag with reference to the recent rise in antisocial behaviour, including destruction of trees and the damage to the recently installed memorial tree. As the flag would have been unmonitored it would not be safe to put it up.

n) Residents don’t attend meetings as they are not advertised enough
The Parish Council Website states that meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, except August which is Government recess. The agenda for each meeting is published in advance on the Parish website and on the village notice board

o) The MP should be invited to the next meeting with reference to ASB
The MP has been invited to a Parish Meeting. However, he does hold his own local surgeries which members of the Public are invited to attend

The Chairman thanked members of the Public for their questions and asked that they encourage other residents to be the eyes and ears of the community in reporting all incidents of Crime or Antisocial Behaviour, via The Community Warden ‘Do it online’, 101 or Crime Stoppers Anonymous

It was RESOLVED to invite the Police Commissioner back to the next Parish Council Meeting in September

13. Provision of Defibrillators
Two defibrillators had been received. Areas for siting included: outside of the Community House, May Crescent and at the Pharmaceuticals. A third defibrillator is expected with the location to be confirmed.
Training sessions in the use of the defibrillator and basic first aid will be arranged.

14. Provision of CCTV
CCTV cameras were in the process of being sourced and will be installed in areas around the village. It was RESOLVED that ten signs would be purchased and fitted in various sites.

15. Calendar of Events
RESOLVED – confirmation of dates and content of Parish Council Events
◦ Armistice Day Service
Friday 11th November – School children with local minister to conduct service. Tea and biscuits to be provided

◦ Christmas Tree Lighting
Saturday 3rd December – start 3pm. Switch on lights 5pm

16. Policy Review (*)
To approve, re-adopt or agree necessary amendments to the following documents:
No documents submitted for approval

17. Planning
Consideration was given to the planning application to Durham County Council for the Horse exercise paddock. No objections received.

18. Chairman’s Report
None given

19. Clerk’s Report and Questions from Members
None given

20. Councillors’ Reports
Cllr C Bell
a) FastNet are now the hosts for the Parish Council Government website.
b) Lights are now installed on Samaritan Tree

Cllr G Elliott
a) Reported damage to the Church clock – Further investigation is required and a solution identified
Resolved : that Cllr Elliott completes the initial investigation
b) Hedge cutting, both sides, going out to Trimdon Grange. Buses avoiding by going over white lines – forward to Cllr Hovvels
c) Memorial garden –2 conifer trees which are failing to grow need attention. Discuss removal and replacement with Supplier. This could become part of the Tree Planting Week in Autumn

Cllr G Elliott
a) To view damaged fencing and make suggestions on repair - *** do we know where?
b) Natrass Terrace tidy up. The environmental contractor is struggling with resources due to illness.
Resolved : This will be discussed with the contractor and alternative resources sourced if required
c) Fencing down at the Parish Corner is still an issue.
Resolved : Contact be made with the land owner to chase progress
d) Allotment availability
Resolved : the list and contact details to be forwarded for review and preparation for rent collection

Cllr R Collins
a) Top Shop broken glass swept up and reported to DCC

Cllr I Storey
a) Future Agenda and Facebook items
Resolved: That news items, roles and responsibilities, what does a Parish Council do and myth busters are to be created and published
b) Arson incidents
Resolved: to ask Fire Brigade for presentation on their finds.

Cllr B Ferguson
a) Residents reporting motorbikes still a problem
b) Covid – created backlogs in local hospitals. Awaiting update from Officer in Charge

21. Correspondence Received
Parishioners email discussed in item 12. No further correspondence

22. Items for Future Agendas
• Medium Term Financial Plan

23. Exclusion of Press and Public
The Chairman called for a proposal in accordance with the provisions of S1 of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by S100 of the Local Government Act 1972, that this Council does now exclude the press and public for the remainder of meeting due to confidential nature of business to be determined.

24. Close of Meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone present for all the hard work undertaken over the last six months.
The Business of the Meeting was concluded at 9.30pm



Page added 11th November 2022