Minutes of the Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th April 2022 at 6.30pm at May Crescent Community House

051/22 Present:
Councillors Carole Bell (acting PC Clerk), Gail Elliott (Chair), Gary Elliott, Rachael Collins, Ian Storey, Brian Ferguson
County Councillor none in attendance

052/22 In Attendance
Cllr Bell is acting Parish Clerk; no members of the public.

053/22 Apologies:
CIIr Mike Gilvin

054/22 Notice of Motion
Motion held

055/22 Declaration of Interest

056122 Dispensations for Declared Interests
None required

057/22 Exclusion of the Press and Public
Not required

058/22 Open Session
058a/22 Police and Wardens Report
The police report had been circulated to the members
Concern was expressed over the number of antisocial activities experienced in the parish

058b/22 County Councillors Reports
There were no reports given

058c/22 Public Participation
There were no public in attendance

059/22 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes 8th February 2022 as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes 8th March 2022 as a true record

060/22 Finance
060a/22 it was RESOLVED to approve the payments list
060b/22 It was RESOLVED to approve the monthly bank statement
060c/22 No grant applications had been received.

The Clerk explained that the invoice for the replacement lights ordered in Nov 2021, was still outstanding and despite chasing delivery dates, none have been confirmed.

It was RESOLVED that the clerk write to DCC expressing the Parish Councils disappointment in failing to source the replacement lights and that they were ceasing their contract with them.
It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would not claim for the replacement lights with their insurance provider

061122 Find it Fix it
The clerk updated the council on the Find it Fix it project
It was RESOLVED to accept the clerks feedback on the project

062122 Provision of Defibrillators
It was RESOLVED to accept the update from the clerk

063/22 NALC Smaller Councils Committee
It was RESOLVED that the council had no items to submit to the Smaller Councils Committee

064122 Policy Review (*)
None to Review.

065/22 Planning (*)
DM/22/00887/FPA was discussed and concern expressed over the development of the "agricultural" area

066/22 Chairman Report
• The Chairman informed the members that the lights on the trees in Malvern Crescent had been removed. It was RESOLVED that the clerk contact DCC to arrange for the delivery of the lights which the Parish Council had purchased
• All other items were covered in the Agenda

067/22 Clerks Report
• Fly tipping has begun again behind Nattress Terrace. The clerk has reported this to the wardens
• It was RESOLVED that the clerk investigate the purchase of additional CCTV equipment
• It was RESOLVED that the clerk get quotations for CCTV signage
• The Clerk updated the members on an outstanding 106 application from 2018. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk investigate and provide the missing information
• It was RESOLVED that the council appoint their usual internal auditor for the end of year

068/22 Councillors Reports
• Fly tipping was reported at the top of Windsor Street
• The path near the Samaritan tree is damaged and needs to be reported. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk report the issue to DCC
• Concern was expressed regarding vehicles mounting the path and grassed area when turning at the Samaritan tree "T" junction. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk report the issue to DCC Highways to investigate a solution.
• It was RESOLVED that a quotation be obtained from the environmental contractor to dig out and level the area behind Nattress Terrace
• It was RESOLVED that the area behind Nattress Terrace be included in the cutting schedule
• It was RESOLVED that the environmental contractor provide a quotation for the damage / missing fencing at the allotments
• It was RESOLVED that the hanging basket tree which is now leaning be reinstated by the environmental contractor urgently
• It was RESOLVED that £1200 be reserved annually for the emergency funding and added to the budget in November 2022

069/22 Correspondence
• All items were covered in the agenda

070/22 List of items for Future Agendas
• Medium Term Financial Plan — After May Meeting
• Calendar of Events

071/22 Exclusion of Press and Public
Not required — none present.

072122 Clerk Position
The Acting Clerk and Chairman updated the members about the resignation of the previous clerk and the appointment of the new clerk

073122 Close of Meeting
The business of the meeting was concluded at 7.42 pm.
These minutes were agreed as a true record at the meeting of Council held on

Signed                                     Chairman



Page added 12th November 2022