Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th March 2019 at 7pm in May Crescent Community House
214/18 Present:-
Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman), Gary Elliott, Brian Ferguson, Mike Gilvin
215/18 Apologies:-
Councillors M Lenehan-Ferguson, Gail Elliott, Jean Loverance
216/18:- In Attendance
County Councillor Lucy Hovvels Parish Clerk Kate Holmes
Four members of the public.
217/18 Notice of Motion
The notice of motion to call the meeting was proposed by CIIr C Bell and seconded by CIIr M Gilvin. This was carried.
218/18 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
219/18 Police and Wardens' Report
CIIr Bell presented the report (Appendix 1). Antisocial motorbike activity should be reducing as one bike has been seized by police. There has been an overall reduction in reported crime and incidents. This achievement is credited to PCSO Shauna Foreman, whose work was noted with gratitude.
220/18 Chairman's Report (CB)
CIIr Bell had nothing to add to the report made to the Annual Assembly immediately prior to this meeting.
221/18 Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 12th February 2019
These were accepted as a true record.
222/18 Matters for information
All matters discussed were covered in other agenda items.
It was noted that the Parish Clerk will be developing a standard report for this item, with a prototype at the April monthly meeting.
223/18 Correspondence
The Parish Clerk will be developing a standard report for this item, with a prototype at the April monthly meeting.
Cult- Gilvin requested that the e-mails about planning applications throughout County Durham be forwarded to the online Councillors.
224/18 Public Participation on Agenda items only
225/18 Councillors' update
Cllr Ferguson reported discussions held with the 8 major Local Government unions about potential reorganisations by the Boundary Commission. One suggestion is the merger of the five Parish Councils in the Trimdon area into one. Cross-party discussions aim to establish what structure would suit each locality.
226/18 Report from County Councillor (LH)
Cllr Hovvels had nothing to add to the report made to the Annual Assembly immediately prior to this meeting.
227/18 Environmental issues
CIIr HoweIs confirmed that the request to DCC for tree pruning had been refused as it fell outside the scope of DCC's tree policy.
Parish Clerk agreed to follow up on provision of the additional litter bin that her predecessor was to have ordered for the cemetery.
228/18 Monthly financial reconciliation
Parish Clerk made verbal report of payments due to be made.
229/18 Planning Applications
None received.
The meeting was concluded at 7.21 pm.
Kate Holmes
Parish Clerk
19th March 2019.