Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th February 2019 at 6.30pm in May Crescent Community House.
196/18 Present: -
Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman), Gary Elliott, Brian Ferguson, Mike Gilvin, Gail Elliott, Jean Loverance.
197/18 Apologies: -
Councillor M.L. Ferguson. County Councillor Lucy Hovvels in attendance Mr. John Robinson Parish Clerk in attendance. There were 2 members of the public present.
198/18 Notice of motion
The Notice of Motion to call the meeting was proposed by ClIr. C. Bell and seconded by Cllr. M. Gilvin. This was carried.
199/18 Declaration of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest. Members were advised Mrs. M. Lenehan Ferguson remains unwell. An unlimited dispensation for her attendance was agreed.
200/18 Chairman's Report
Cllr. Carole Bell welcomed everyone to the meeting. She reported on the following:-
- The Council had received 4 applications for the post of Parish Clerk, and she was delighted to report that the interview panel had offered the post and offer accepted by Mrs. Kate Holmes. She informed members that the candidates had all been of high quality. Mrs Holmes is to commence as clerk on 18th February 2019 and she is arranging for her contract to be signed. The current clerk is to finish Friday 15th February due to holiday, but he will cover during this time. The outgoing clerk has also agreed to work 24 hours during March to assist in the handover to Mrs. Holmes and assist in the preparation of papers for audit, Clerk to transfer mobile phone contract to TFPC asap if possible, and if not new contract to be arranged by new clerk. Clerk agreed to undertake this by 16th February.
- She had spoken to the artist Graham Hopper and is arranging a visit to his studios
- The cubes have been returned to Uwatch, awaiting refund
201/18 Member sharing of Information
All items covered by Agenda.
202/18 Police and Warden Report.
No officers present. The police had issued dates for Cuppa with a Copper session, pop up police surgery and PACT. CIIr. Hovvels advised she had raised the issue of road bikes with the PCVC Ron Hogg
203/18 County Councillor Report
CIIr. Hovvels reported on the following:-
- Dog fouling: she has raised the issue with wardens and if residents identified DCC will prosecute
- She had raised the issue of trees in Ryedale Court with the relevant officer
- She urged members to explore the Windfarm Funding stream
- She has given £1000 from NIB to the Community Centre
- There had been an incident with a dead horse left in field. DCC removed the animal.
- The County Councillors are supporting the initiative at Sedgefield Community College regarding plastic bottles
- Lee Mowbray from highways has undertaken an assessment of car parking across the parish
- She expressed grave concern at the potential reduction of £19 million in Public Health grant.
204/18 Public Participation
205/18 Minutes of the Monthly meeting held on 15th January 2019 Resolved:-
It was moved by CIIr. Gary Elliott and seconded CIIr. Gail Elliott and carried that the minutes of the above meetings be accepted as a true record.
206/18 Minutes of Special Finance Committee 15th January 2019, Human Resources Committee 15th January 2019 and Shortlisting meeting 4th February 2019
Resolved:- it was moved Cllr. Gary Elliott and seconded by CIIr. Gail Elliott that all the minutes be accepted as a true record.
207/18 Matters Arising
The following issues were discussed:-
- Email from Cllr. Hovvels advising she had raised with Ron Hogg the promise of funding towards CCTV provision. No reply to either 3 Council letters or Cllr. Hovvels' enquiry. To follow up after March
- Reply from Slimming World and sign has been removed
- Tree week: 4 trees have been ordered. DCC to be asked to plant. Current trees to be retained for checking. Tree grant forms to be completed once this process has been completed.
- No reply from beat officer PC Peterlee regarding motorbikes.
- Samaritan Tree: awaiting response from DCC Highways regarding approval to use their property to access electricity to light sculpture
- Litter picking. The Chairman reported on the recent meeting held with It had been agreed to renew the litter collection contract and for bins generally to be emptied once weekly (11 bins) and the memorial ground twice per week. A review/monitoring meeting has been agreed for July.
- Several reports from S.E. Landscapes covering their work over the past month
- Clerk advised all 4 letters requested to be sent by recorded delivery have been sent and no replies received
- Clerk advised all Undertakers and Memorial Sculptors advised of fees and rules re vehicles at Deaf Hill Cemetery
- Hanging baskets trees for Malvern Crescent area ordered
- Acknowledgement from DCC of articles deposited in County Archives.
- Resident who had complained regarding Luke Crescent allotments had been invited to the meeting but failed to attend.
- Legal advice, awaiting response from NALC
14.Confirmation from NIB that no entry has been submitted for 2019, Now too late to join.
208/18 Correspondence
All members acknowledged receipt of e-mails regarding correspondence and on issues raised.
- Notification from AAP that litter poster may be printed by Lyndsey Waters printers. Agreed to proceed
- Notification of Hunger Project Funding via AAP
- DCC Licensing Consultation, members to write to DCC directly with any comments
- Circular from Batson Ground Care, noted.
209/18 Report from AAP
Clerk reported on the recent AAP Board meeting. This year the PB event will not happen: funding to go via Task Group. Report noted.
210/18 Environmental issues
The Chairman welcomed S.E. Landscapes to the meeting. Various issues were raised with him for action. Concern was expressed by members at the state of the land behind Nattress Terrace. S.E. Landscapes to clear the area and Clerk to write to residents advising that once area cleaned if further dumping occurs Council will have no option but to close the area off. S.E. Landscapes confirmed they will erect signs in Memorial Field regarding dogs.
211/18 Monthly Financial transactions Accounts agreed, see Appendix 1
212/18 Planning Application
CIIr. G. Elliott proposed and Clir. G. Elliott seconded that the public be asked to leave at this point in accordance with S1 of the Public Bodies Act 1960.
213/18 Charity
The Clerk advised despite 10 letters to the Charity Commission including responses to their queries regarding dissolution of the charity no responses had been received. He suggested consulting a solicitor for legal advice on how to proceed should be considered.
Resolved:- proposed by CIlr. Gary Elliott and seconded by CIIr. Gail Elliott that an appointment be made with Tilley, Bailey and Irving to obtain Charity law advice. This was agreed.
211/18 Tenders for Environmental Services.
2 tenders were received to provide environmental services for the coming year.
- Thinford Nurseries, to provide plants/water/maintenance for all hanging baskets, tubs/troughs, cost £4,249.20. This was agreed
- E. Landscapes to provide all other services. It was agreed to contact S.E. Landscapes and request further detailed breakdown of the tender for the March meeting.
This acceptance/action and agreement was proposed by CIIr. Carole Bell and seconded by CIIr. Gail Elliott.
212/18 Allotment issues
Members received a report from Cllr. Gail Elliott regarding recent issues. Report noted.
213/18 Action Log
The current action log of 13 outstanding issues was received.
Meeting finished at 8.43pm.
Agreed and Signed by:
Chairman of Parish Council
meeting held 12th March 2019