Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 16th July 2019 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community House
058/19 Present:
Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, Mike Gilvin, Brian Ferguson
059/19 Apologies:
Councillor M Lenehan-Ferguson (dispensation) Councillor Jean Loverance (Work — accepted)
060/19:- In Attendance
County Councillor L Hovvels Parish Clerk Kate Holmes Two members of the public.
061/19 Notice of Motion
The notice of motion to call the meeting was proposed by CM- C Bell and seconded by air Gail Elliott. This was carried.
062/19 Declaration of Interest None
063/19 Dispensations for Declared Interests
Not applicable
064/19 Exclusion of the Press and Public
It was RESOLVED that no items on the agenda were of a confidential nature such that the Press and Public were to be excluded from the discussions.
065/19 Open Session
065a/19 Police and Wardens' Report
PCSO Foreman had been on holiday, and no report was received prior to the meeting. Members accepted for now her explanation to the Clerk that the crime figures she reports are generated by a computer system that does not provide the raw data, so she could not investigate the incongruous percentages.
It was noted that three cars had been burned out in the parish, leaving toxic residue on the pavement. CIIr Ferguson had contacted the Highways Department to request removal.
The accumulated waste dumped on Parish land behind Nattrass Terrace had been ignited. PCSO Foreman/the street wardens will be asked to conduct a door-knocking exercise to discourage further fly tipping in this area.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Bell should send photographic evidence of the problem to the Clerk.
065b/19 County Councillor's Report (LH arrived at this time.)
CIIr Hovvels provided a verbal report of the following:
- There have been complaints of parking obstructing and damaging pavements.
- Her effort to secure a Disabled Facilities Grant for a dropped kerb on Nattress Terrace is ongoing. CU Ferguson commented that there may be an increase in available funding which could allow the authorities to be more generous in this area.
- White lines on the roads at safety hot-spots such as the junction of Commercial Street and Rodwell Street are to be re-painted to encourage greater care by motorists.
- The broken metal fence by the bridge on Station Road is still not a priority, despite Members' reported concerns that it poses a significant safety risk.
- The disintegrating steps adjacent to the Foundry Fish Bar have been re- The earlier inspection report outcome that no problem was found generated strong feeling among Members. Cllr Hovvels will request a copy of the full inspection report.
- Members are encouraged to comment on the proposed merger of Clinical Commissioning Groups. Details supplied by e-mail to the Clerk had been forwarded to Members.
- CIIr Hovvels has been appointed Armed Forces Champion for DCC, and DCC has been given a Gold Award by the Ministry of Defence for its efforts to support and employ service veterans.
- Redhills Miners' Hall is applying for lottery funding to re-purpose as a community resource.
- Elections are to be held for Durham City Mayor. CIIr Hovvels is currently Deputy Mayor.
- Area Action Partnership is to receive new funding to continue and expand its
- Unadopted streets such as at the rear of Windsor Street can be improved by laying road planings. Indicative cost is around £5,000 per household. It was recognized that this is unaffordable for many local residents, so unlikely to provide a solution.
- Enforcement notices have been served on residents to require clearing of weeds and rubbish in and adjacent to their yards.
065c/19 Public Participation
The Council was asked about the progress of a request for vehicular access to a property over Parish land. The decision depends on the outcome of the attempt to secure funding for a dropped kerb.
066/19 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 11th June 2019 as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes from the Finance Committee meeting on the 25th June 2019 as a true record
067/19 Policy Review
It was RESOLVED to approve the draft Financial Regulations, Standing Orders and Risk Register subject to the proposed changes being made, and the sum stated in Section 13.2 of the Financial Regulations to be aligned to the insurance policy excess.
068/19 Finance
It was RESOLVED to accept all automatic payments reported by the Clerk, as evidenced by Chairman's signature.
It was RESOLVED to approve all due payments reported by the Clerk, as evidenced by Chairman's signature.
It was RESOLVED to approve all the potential payments proposed by the Clerk, to the most appropriate supplier of goods or service identified, as evidenced by Chairman's signature.
It was specifically RESOLVED to acquire risk management software from DMH Solutions Ltd, to assist in the identification, recording and management of all Parish risks.
069/19 CCTV Provision in Playground Area
The report of the recent survey did not provide any new suggestions for how best to protect the Playground area.
It was RESOLVED that CIIr Gary Elliott should speak to contacts about feasibility and cost of installing a metal power conduit around the edge of the former bowling green.
It was noted that a security camera positioned to protect the changing rooms might also act as a deterrent or aid identification of those responsible for fly tipping on Parish land at the back of Nattress Terrace.
070/19 Planning
No applications had been received from within the Parish.
071/19 Chairman's Report
Grant funding for flagpoles and flags has been secured from DCC for Trimdon Foundry and Shadforth parishes, with the money all sent to Trimdon Foundry. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should identify and purchase a suitable flagpole and Union Flag for each parish.
In response to the delay in getting action from DCC to repair the fence by the carpet shop, it was RESOLVED that the Parish will get this done at its own expense.
072/19 Clerk's Report
The action list presented was noted by Members. No omissions or sources of concern were identified.
073/19 Councillors' Reports
It was agreed that Cllr Gail Elliott should contact Thinford Nurseries to ask them to proceed with planting in the cemetery.
It was agreed that a date be found as soon as possible for a visit to the Samaritan Tree artist to discuss the new piece of work to be commissioned for the cemetery,
It was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to John Roche for his efforts in maintaining the recreation ground in a tidy state.
It was agreed that Cllr Gary Elliott should fill in the gap in the park where the play surface was vandalized with gravel.
It was noted that the car park adjacent to the Memorial Ground was overgrown with weeds. As the Parish is the tenant of the NCB/CISWO, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should contact the landlord to seek a positive long-term solution.
The landscape contractor's work was found wanting in a number of areas, including weeds in the recreation ground, the cemetery hedges, and the corner of the cemetery near the caravan. Cllr Gary Elliott agreed to send photographic evidence to the Clerk.
A complaint had been received about the condition of some pigeons kept on a Parish allotment. It was RESOLVED that as the owner was not in breach of his tenancy agreement, it was not appropriate for the Council to intervene at this stage.
Burrowing rabbits are disrupting the ground in parts of the cemetery, including under a headstone. Cllr Gary Elliott is seeking an expert to deal with the problem.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should represent Cllr Gilvin at the forthcoming meeting of the Smaller Councils' Forum, as he is unable to attend on this occasion.
074/19 Samaritan Tree
As the Clerk had been unable to complete the draft Final Impact Report in time for it to be considered by Members, it was RESOLVED that she should complete and submit this herself, ahead of the 31st July deadline. She was also reminded of the need to secure a source of power to light the tree, ahead of the dark evenings.
075/19 VE Day 75th Commemorations — 8th May 2020
No new matters raised.
076/19 Correspondence Received (*)
E-mails on the appended list were forwarded to online Councillors
077/19 Items for Future Agendas
It was RESOLVED that a forward plan of events is needed.
078/19 Exclusion of Press and Public — Not Required
079/19 Close of meeting
The business of the meeting was concluded at 8.38pm.
These minutes were agreed as a true record at the meeting of Council held on 10th September 2019.