Mesdame:- G E Elliott
Messrs:- J France & J Grigg
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies for absence had been submitted and accepted from Councillors Mrs Grigg and Councillor Mr G Elliott.
The Chairman welcomed Chris Baker, Project Officer and Fiona Gray, Artist to discuss the basic concepts for the project. Ms Gray had a small scaled model of the two structures which were mirror images of each other. She explained that the thought behind them was to represent strength and dignity and heritage. She also gave technical details and answered any questions from Members. Members considered the proposals and all present were happy with the suggested art work presented by the artist. RESOLVED the artwork presented be accepted and details be awaited on the programme of works etc.
a copy of which had been circulated to each Member, were approved.
Matters Arising
Minute Number 979
At the last meeting it was agreed the Parish Council support the contents of the Plan in respect of the site that had been the subject of recent discussions and a petition from residents, clarification on this matter was requested. There was discussion on the Local Plan and Councillor Grigg commented he was not in favour of the contents of the plan saying he felt there was little in it to reflect regeneration for the village and the identification of more housing sites he felt was inappropriate and not required. RESOLVED no comment be made by the Parish Council and further developments be awaited.
The Police were not in attendance at the meeting. The statistics received from the Wardens were circulated for Member’s information. RESOLVED the information given be noted.
Members were circulated with a copy of a petition received from the Save Our Fields Group. RESOLVED the petition be received.
The Clerk advised receipt of details of a planning application for the Erection of a Hay Storage Barn next to the Nature Reserve. Members asked that concerns be forwarded on the size and nature of the development particularly on the site being next to the Nature Reserve. RESOLVED this response be made.
Consideration was given to a list of correspondence received since the last meeting, a copy of which had been circulated to each Member. There was discussion and consideration of the letters received from young residents of the village requesting a skate park facility. Unfortunately it was agreed the costs of providing such a facility were prohibitive, especially as the Parish Council were already committed to providing a new play area in May/Wood Crescent area.
RESOLVED the correspondence be accepted and a place be reserved on the Freedom of Information Course on 27th March 2014 for the Chairman. FURTHER RESOLVED an appropriate reply be made to the young people that had written in to the Parish Council.
• Drainage issues
Progress was requested and there was discussion on the drainage in the recreation area where it was agreed a full scheme needed to be considered.
• Web Site
The Chairman asked the meeting what their feelings were on this issue. Members discussed the suggestion that the Parish Council should have its own dedicated web site. Members said they felt the Trimdon Times web site did a good job, was easily accessible, had the guestbook to offer feedback, offered the link to the Clerk and Parish Council, had up to date information on it and feedback from the public was positive; all in all they were happy with the web site and the service it offered to the Parish Council and its residents. RESOLVED this be accepted as the preferred web site of the Parish Council to advise and inform residents.
998. REPORTS:-
Member’s Individual Reports
(i) Councillor France
Concern was expressed at the poor condition of the football changing rooms roof and it was asked if this could be attended to as a matter of urgency. This was an item in the Clerk’s report. RESOLVED the repair be made immediately.
(ii) Councillor J Grigg
It was reported that the pathways had been badly flooded recently. The Clerk advised that she had a very positive site meeting with an Officer of the College and it was hoped that some partnership working could be carried out to improve the condition of the footpath/walkway. RESOLVED progress be awaited.
It was asked if reports could be made to get the verges tended to at the top end of the village. RESOLVED a report be made.
It was reported a resident had reported that a gentleman had been exercising his horse in the recreation area as she had been walking her dogs and he had given her verbal abuse. RESOLVED this situation be monitored and reported to the Police if necessary.
Concern was expressed at the speeding traffic and the heavy goods vehicles travelling through the village in the early hours of the morning. RESOLVED this be reported to Durham County Council again to attention.
(iii) Councillor Mrs G Elliott
Progress with drainage issues in Luke Street was requested. The Clerk assured she would check out progress and advise the Member in due course. RESOLVED this course of action be agreed.
(iv) Chairman’s Report
The Chairman, Councillor B D Ferguson, reported on the storms and the damage that had been dealt with quickly by the County Council. There was discussion on the repair to the fence that had been damaged and the tree stump that now needed to be removed and it was asked that these be reported. The Chairman advised he had been campaigning to try and get the school crossing patrol re instated but to no avail. RESOLVED the contents of the Chairman’s report be noted.
(v) Resident’s Issues
Progress was requested with the application for traffic or speed restrictions on Wingate Road to assist with safe road crossing. It was also asked what progress had been made with the play area.
It was asked that a further order be placed for 16,000 dog bags. RESOLVED an order be placed.
(vi) Clerk’s Report
Consideration was given to the Clerk’s report, a copy of which had been circulated to each Member and had matters in it relating to the cemetery, Trimdon Gateways, Phase II Memorial Garden Scheme, playground inspection, repairs to the changing room roof, annual grant to the Deaf Hill Ward Regeneration Partnership, and break in. The Manager of the Centre gave a full brief of the works and programmes carried out in the Centre on behalf of the community. He suggested changes to the Welfare Reforms would make it even harder for residents and the support offered from the Centre would become even more important and the demand for their services would increase. During discussions reference was made to the way in which the meeting had been conducted the previous month. It was stressed that the public were welcome and encouraged to attend meetings and raise their concerns, however, the Council would not tolerate the abuse the Parish Clerk had suffered at the meeting. It was stressed the Parish Council were totally committed and wished to work together with all of its partners and residents for the betterment of the village. RESOLVED: (i) contents of the report, be noted; (ii) approval be given for prices to be sought and the works to repair the changing roof be carried out as a matter of urgency; (iii) the annual grant to the Deaf Hill Ward Regeneration Partnership be made of £6,000.00; the residents Association be sent an application form to apply for grant funding; (iv) further advice be sought on the repair to the youth play area and this matter be monitored and reviewed; (v) standing orders regarding the rules of conduct for meetings be finalised, put in place and enforced.
The Clerk explained that she was having difficulty in contacting Councillor Finkel Gates, the Vice Chairman, to arrange for the return of the accounts file he had requested. She needed the return of the file to assist in the completion of the Annual Return to the Charity Commission. Members offered their assistance in trying to contact the Vice Chairman and the Chairman expressed his frustration with this. RESOLVED further developments be awaited.
i) Accounts for Payment
RESOLVED that the action taken in paying accounts with cheque payments totalling £2,114.52 presented at the meeting for approval, be endorsed. FURTHER RESOLVED the energy bill for the street lights in the recreation area be investigated further.
(ii) Bank Reconciliations
Members were circulated with the Bank Reconciliations for November 2013. RESOLVED that the reconciliations be accepted.
(iii) Review of Risks – Corporate Risk Management Strategy
Members were circulated with a report prepared by the Clerk in this regard. RESOLVED the contents of the report be approved.
(iv) Consideration of the Precept/Budget for 2014/15
The Clerk circulated for Members details to assist with deliberations in setting the precept. RESOLVED the precept be set at a Special Meeting to be held in January 2014.
RESOLVED the next meeting be on Tuesday 14th January 2014 at 6.00pm (a session prior to the meeting to consider and set the precept for 2014/15).