Information Update – 16th March 2007

Anti Social Behaviour Orders
We currently have one local male who is subject to an ASBO this male has recently breached his order and the result has been him remanded in custody. This is a good example of how this legislation does work and hopefully sends a positive message out do other persons who persist in carrying out acts of anti social behaviour.

School Premises
The on going School Watch Operation has proved successful in the past couple of months, six local youths have been prosecuted for offences of criminal damage and causing nuisance on educational premises. These arrests and prosecutions were a direct result of local residents providing police with vital information; again I would like to point out that anyone found on school premises without permission will face positive police action.

Crime in the last month was extremely low; out of the small amount of crime committed approximately 20% could have been prevented. Everyday tasks such as locking doors, windows or taking valuable property out of vehicles can assist us in crime reduction. A current trend in other areas of the County is theft of satellite navigation kits from vehicles please be aware of this if you own one.

Mobile Phones and Driving
You may be aware that the penalty has increased if you are caught driving whilst using your mobile phone. The new penalty is £60 fine and your license endorsed with three penalty points, the point’s are as good as another penalty as this will affect your insurance premium.



Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Dedicated Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
0345 60 60 365
Internal extension 6614670 or 6614671
F.I.N. 1853