Minutes of the Trimdon Foundry Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 27th September 2022 at 6.30pm at May Crescent Community House.

Members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend.

73/22 Present
Cllrs Carole Bell, Chairman, Rachael Collins, Gail Elliot, Gary Elliot, Brian Ferguson, Ian Storey, County Councillors Lucy Hovells and Jake Miller

74/22 In Attendance
Parish Clerk Cath Milburn, no members of the Public

75/22 Apologies:
Cllr Mike Gilvin

76/22 Notice of Motion to call the meeting to be held on 27th September 2022
Motion held
Cllr Bell opened the meeting and all in attendance paid their respects for the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Thanks were forwarded to Cllr Gail Elliot for her work in organising tributes. Feedback from members of the community had been good.

77/22 Declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed
No declarations of interest
78/22 Dispensations
No dispensations required

79/22 Exclusion of the Press and Public
Not required

80/22 Open Session
a. Police and Wardens would be circulated to Councillors

b. County Councillor Lucy Hovell reported:
Antisocial behaviour problems in Station Road
Energy rebate scheme
Devolution Quest
Litter Picking
Cochranes Funeral Services, MacMillan event cancelled
Pizza shop graffiti problems
Larger bin requested near Post Office
Planning Enforcement
Footpath, private land, residents are in discussion to form a resolution
Funding request, Friends of the School, food parcels, approximate £935
Hot meal programme to organised from the community centre

c. County Councillor Jake Miller reported:
The visit to Police Headquarters was very useful
The Police are setting up a new sharing digital CCTV system
Enquiries have been made as to who can register
Emergency Plan agreed by Officers can now be published and shared with residents
£20,000 per community building can be accessed by application for Solar Power

d. Cllrs Miller, Storey and Collins agreed to forward details of reputable CCTV firms to advise Trimdon Foundry Parish Council on installation points

e. Community Litter Picking - it was resolved that the areas for litter picking would be; Top Shop, Laburnum and two Station Roads. Dates and times agreed:
Saturday 8th or 15th October, or weekday evenings 6 -7pm. Volunteers to be requested via social media.
Waste collection team to pick up Saturday if possible, or secured until Monday by Gary and Scott

f. It was resolved not to replace the burnt-out bucket seat and to put this on social media. This would be reported to the Fire Service and Fire Stoppers
g. The meeting was informed that there was a new Police Officer for Wingate and Trimdon
h. Samaritan Tree footage shows youths damaging the tree. The police are involved. The artist would be asked regarding future repairing
i. Stolen Defibrillator had been found and was in service

j. Public Participation (15 minutes): no members of the Public were present


81/22 Minutes (*)
Resolved to accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 12th of July 2022 as a true record, second Cllr Brian Ferguson

82/22 Finance (*)
• It was resolved that the payments list
• It was resolved that the monthly bank statement be approved
• No grant applications received

83/22 Mazars Report
It was resolved that the Mazars report be approved and published on the website
It was noted that Covid restrictions had delayed moving forward with planned projects
Cllr Storey would post the report on the website

84/22 Church Clock
Cllr Elliott reported that the clock and the housing of the clock was in a poor state of repair and a structural rebuild may be necessary. It was resolved that Cllr Elliot would have further talks with the owner of the land and the Clerk will request quotations from restoration companies and any grant funding that may be available.

85/22 Provision of Defibrillators
Cllr Carole Bell reported that to defibrillators were now in place and a third defibrillator was planned to be put on a post on County land. An estimate of costs had been requested.

86/22 Armistice Day Service
The Clerk reported that the following had been booked:
Poppy wreaths, nine small wreaths and two large wreaths
May Crescent Community Centre for refreshments
Trumpet player for the last post
Bluebell Primary School had been contacted to arrange attendance of children and the order of service timings would be forwarded to them

87/22 Christmas Event
The Clerk reported that the following had been booked:
Party Time Inflatables – Christmas package, including snow globe, Reindeer Rodeo, Santa’s grotto, swings and slide, and a brass band to play Christmas Carrols.
The event would start at 3.00pm and finish at 6.00pm.
Gary Phillipson, BBC Radio would be contacted regarding Christmas lights turn on and Dave Ludforth would be contacted regarding a Santa appearance.
It was resolved to purchase a picket fence from the Friends of Deaf Hill, to border the Christmas tree.
Cllr Carole Bell would design posters and Cllr Ian Storey would post on website, social media and local school

88/22 Policy Review (*)
To approve, re-adopt or agree necessary amendments to the following documents: (Standing Item)
• No policies submitted for approval

89/22 Planning
To consider and establish the Council’s position on any planning applications as consultee of Durham County Council, the Principal Authority and deciding body – Ashleigh House

90/22 Reports
Cllrs Gary and Gail Elliot brought forward the postponed allotment/rent meeting. It was resolved to arrange a date as soon as possible, to be held in the Community Centre.

91/22 Correspondence Received
Letter from Sonex Financial, forwarded by previous Parish Clerk, regarding Npower lighting of Church Clock.

92/22 Items for Future Agendas
Members to consider items for future agendas
Current list:
• Medium Term Financial Plan

93/22 Exclusion of Press and Public
No members of the public present

94/22 Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 18th October 2022, at 6.30pm

Apologies forwarded by Cllr Ian Storey

95/22 Close of Meeting

Cath Milburn
Parish Clerk and RFO



Page added 11th November 2022