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Guestbook Messages 2014
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Monday 29th December 2014 at 3.00pm
Name: George Mills
Message: Hope every one who new me before I moved to Derbyshire in 1962 and all your relations have a happy new year.
Sunday 21st December 2014 at 7.00pm
Name: Malcolm Merifield
Message: I seem to remember a fire station in the yard of what was the Coop Store.This was just up the street from where the old school is situated,I can`t think of anywhere else it could be.
Friday 27th November 2014 at 6.00pm
Name: Bob Brown
Message: Hi. can anyone remember the fire station in Trimdon Grange? Bobby, Sedgefield.
Saturday 16th August 2014 at 5.50pm
Name: Mildred Thompson
Message: Hi Alan Walker. I have just read your June message. I am Mildred Thompson nee Welch., Eddy is my brother. I was born at no 1 Northside Terrace exactly 80 yrs ago yesterday. No one ever knew who the man with my dad Bill was until your niece wrote the name. You are welcome to a copy of the photo, I’m sure Ken would be able to arrange it. Sorry so long in replying, not been on the site for awhile.
Tueday 15th July 2014 at 8.00pm
Name: Ron McTeer
Message: The committee of Trimdon angling club would like to thank the 3 non-members who on Saturday 12th July saw some weed removal work being carried out. They offered to help and did so with gusto. Our thanks, as the saying goes many hands make light work. We hope you will continue to enjoy your dog walking and keep fit walking exercises around the pond. Trimdon AC Committee
Monday 23rd June 2014 at 4.00pm
Name: Alan Walker
Message: To mildred thompson re family photos of Welch family. I have seen picture of billy welch alongside jesse lockett who was my wifes father from kelloe I note a reference to j dawkins our neice and a request for further contact just wondered if I could help. I actually lived at no 3 northside terr and knew eddie welch very well
when kids
Saturday 26th April 2014 at 10.00am
Name: Elizabeth Bermingham
Message: Have thoroughly enjoyed visiting your Trimdon Times from Sydney, Australia.
Looked at your photos past and present. Have a good e-mail friend called Margaret who lives in Northside Buildings there hence the interest. She found me through Ancestry, I am a cousin of her husband Bob several times removed. It is her birthday on 29th April so have really enjoyed visiting her area through your great
Friday 25th April 2014 at 6.15pm
Name: Peter Skelton
Message: Reply to Bill Richardson: Info on Robert Carter.
Rank: Sergeant, Trade:Pilot, Service No: 563527
Date of Death: 17/04/1940, Age: 27
Regiment/Service: Royal Air Force 144 Sqdn.
Grave Reference Sec. A. Grave 17 WINGATE (DEAF HILL) CEMETERY
Son of Francis and Charlotte Walker Carter, of Trimdon Station.
Friday 25th April 2014 at 1.00pm
Name: Bill Richardson
Message: Fred Carter (died 1940): Sergeant Robert Frederick Carter was an RAF pilot who was killed in action in April 1940. He is buried in Deaf Hill Cemetery. I would like to contact any family members. One reason is to try to establish whether he was engaged to Peggy Richardson, an aunt of mine. Thanks, Bill Richardson
Friday 18th April 2014 at 11.00am
Name: Jean-François CHAPELAIN
Message: Memories of Trimdon between 1962 and 1966:
Hello! I am the young boy (no more now,) who came to Trimdon from France for holidays a long time ago in Doctor Caldeira’s. Does anyone remember me? If yes,please be in touch.
Thank you. Jean-François CHAPELAIN (France)
Wednesday 26th March 2014 at 3.00pm
Name: Paul Trippett
Message: On Friday 28th March 2014, 3pm at St Mary Magdalene Church Trimdon Village, there will be a Memorial Service for Nick Portues who sadly died last year, if you knew Nick please come along, refreshments at the Black Bull after. Call me for more info 07515066017.
Sunday 9th March 2014 at 3.45pm
Name: Vicky
Message: Lead flashing was stolen from a number of roofs in Trimdon Colliery over the weekend so keep a watch out as your roof could be next! Sedgefield Police are investigating.
Friday 7th March 2014 at 3.45pm
Name: Fiona Furness
Message: I have recently found out about my great-grandfather who was the Waste Manager at Trimdon & Deaf Hill Colliery (c1900?) His name was Wilkinson (I don’t know his Christian name) possibly born in 1860s? For photo click here. His daughter Ruth was my grandmother (born late 1880s?), she married Albert George Furness (born in 1883), their eldest son was my father – also Albert George Furness (born 1914). I don’t know anything more about any other Wilkinson relatives I might have still in Trimdon? Do these names ring a bell with anyone?
Saturday 1st March 2014 at 12.00pm
Name: Alan Wilkinson
Message: I am not the same Alan Wilkinson as you know but the other one is
alive & kicking & is an avid Sunderland AFC supporter I guess he will
be down London now or certainly tomoz for the final..,!!! Good wishes
Friday 28th February 2014 at 4.30pm
Name: Rog.Linsley
Subject: Deaf Hill
This forum is such a delightful trawl into the past. So many lovely comments evoke great nostalgia. But, in reading them, I feel as though I fall between two stools. I was born and brought up in the Grange but we moved to Deaf Hill, in I think 1956, when my Dad became Under-manager of the pit I there. It was inevitable, I suppose, that my closest friends had already been established in the Grange. Particularly Tom Hutchinson, Dennis Greenwell Alan Wilkinson to name just three. By the time I moved to Deaf Hill I was already going to school in Durham. So friendships with people in Deaf Hill were there but not established like the ones in Trimdon. But I do remember fondly and particularly Ian Harper, Linda Brennan and Pat and his family who lived next door to my mother. Happy days, of course, but we all move on.
Thursday 20th February 2014 at 11.30am
Name: Derek Bradley
Comment: Does anyone have any old photo’s of the welfare hall, including any events wedding, pantomimes, dancing etc? If so we would much appreciate a copy (if brought to the centre we can copy them straight away).
Telephone 01429 882200 or email:
Thank you, Derek Bradley, Centre Manager.
Tuesday 11th February 2014 at 10.20am
Name: (None given) IP:
Comment: Green Spaces
When we first moved to Trimdon Station we used to walk to the green space near Margaret Terrace in front if our property (Cinnamon Drive). Over a year ago the council stopped cutting this land and it has now become wasted space. This space was ideal for my children as we could still monitor them and allow them space to be themselves. There are other larger green spaces but with dogs running free, dog mess and broken glass they are not safe or secure. Can anyone shed some light on why the land in question is now not tended? I have tried several departments of the council over the year with promises made and not kept. Thank you
Tuesday 4th February 2014 at 10.00am
Name: Jennifer Sharpe
Comment: Thank you so much, due to my message I have now managed to contact living descendants in Trimdon of my 2 x great grandfather Matthew Henderson. I am planning a visit soon.
Jennifer Sharpe in the Midlands
Wednesday 22nd January 2014 at 4.00pm
Name: Paul Trippet
Comment: MP Surgery date : Phil Wilson MP will be holding a surgery in Wheatley Hill Greenhills Community Centre on Friday 31st January 2014 from 5pm until 6-30pm. The surgery will be organised on an appointment basis, if you wish to have a fifteen minute appointment, please ring me on 01325 321603. If the time or date are not suitable for you please call the number provided and we will try to arrange other alternatives.
Monday, January 20th 2014 at 11:30 pm.
Name: Bill Ramage
Comment: What a shame it is to see that “whoever” has allowed a breezeblock building to be built in nearly every field available, around the outskirts of our villages. Shame on you !
Saturday, January 18th 2014 at 8:50 pm.
Name: Out54law
Comment: Mathew Asselbrough : I would like to hear from any of the Asselbrough family and would like a photograph of Mathew if anyone has one. He was my grandad’s cousin, my granda was Christopher Asselbrough son of Christopher Asselbrough and his mother was Catherine Asselbrough formerly Richardson nee Cairns
Saturday, January 11th 2014 at 6:50 pm.
Name: Jim Garnham
Comment: I have just read Gary’s reminiscence of the ‘Rocking D Jays ‘and it brought back great memories. I knocked around with them briefly in the sixties and went to gigs helping to put up the gear and it was a great time. Brian used to carry a hammer and nails to nail his base drum to the stage because he hit it so hard it kept moving! I came from Thornley and worked with Brian at Tonks, Wingate, Brian was an apprentice mechanic and so was I. I remember once when I was over Trimdon with some of the lads outside Gary’s house and Dennis’ brother who was the manager at the time appeared in his Bond three-wheeler and gave them a rollicking for something. Just before he pulled away the lads ducked down behind and grabbed the back bumper he was revving it like the clappers with nothing happening and when they left go it took off like a Ferrari! Happy days.
Continue reading 2013 messages….