Guestbook Messages 2013
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Tuesday, Dec 31st 2013 at 3.25pm
Name: George Mills
Comment: I would like to wish everyone who new me when I worked at Deaf Hill Colliery 1952-1962 a Happy New Year. I was then transfered to work in the Derbyshire Mining Industry 14th December 1962
Wednesday, Nov 6th at 8.00pm
Name: Ron Mcteer
Comment: The local Trimdon angling club has completed phase 1 of pond development. It is now a lovely walk around the pond and two dipping platforms are present along with some benches for walkers to have a rest and chat. We now want to improve the area further and have applied for more funding to do the required improvements. To obtain this funding we need votes. On Saturday 23rd November between 10am and 2pm at Sedgefield Community College Hawthorn road, Sedgefield, TS21 3DD there is a Forum and Community Voting Event. You can come along and vote hopefully for us and others up to a maximum of 4. The event is being run by the East durham Rural corridor Area Action Partnership.
So if you visit the local pond, are age 10 or over and live or work in the area please come and vote for what you want locally. I will be there promoting the local fishing club and will answer any questions you may have.
Thanks, Ron Mcteer
Thursday, Oct 31st at 1:00pm.
Name: Anita Percival
Comment: I just want to say how helpful Mike Fenney has been from (Greenside Farm, West Lane, Trimdon)
I live in Surrey and work with a special needs child. His Mum, Speech and Language and myself are working on a new communication book for him. We wanted to put the pages in a strong ring binder and noticed the Dive-logs. Even though the dimensions were not suitable, Mike Fenney has gone out of his way to assist with photos, measurements etc. He has been so kind.
Thursday, Aug 29th at 12:15pm.
Name: Linda Francis
Comment: Hello to Brian Murray, you do not know me but I am related to you, through family, my mother Nancy used to live in Luke street, and she always talked with your mother Doreen when out shopping in the colliery, Doreen was a lovely lady with a spaniel dog, I knew she had Gwen and Rob didn’t know of her husband or other family, I am compiling a family tree, my late family all lived at the Black Bull till 1950, the Elliott family sorry to hear about your loss, can you tell me about your mother who her parents were please so I can complete some details in the family tree, thanks, Also my mothers cousin was Jakie Elliott, she was cousin to George Elliott but do not know who his parents were or brother to Jakie.
My email address is
I have been doing the family tree and have alot of info. I lived at 15 Luke Street and remember Jack Taylor the policeman who lived at 26 Luke Street. Be nice to hear from anyone with info on the family or who are related to fill in the gaps missing.
From Linda Francis nee Calvert, mother was formerly Johnson and Elliott family were her relations.
Monday, Aug 19th at 7:15pm.
Name: Al
Comment: What is wrong with society, I was a pupil of Fred Higginbottom in the 50’s. He was hard but fair in my eyes, I was caned but respected why. Now teachers get no respect, and have no back up from parents. If this goes on every teacher that administered corporal punishment in the 50’s and 60’s will be hounded. It’s sad that people wait until a man is dead to tarnish his name. I was caned by him, but this was a fact of life in the 50s/ 60s. If things were the same now, teachers would get respect, and not be afraid to take up teaching. This kind of witchhunt after a man is dead, belies belief, but seems to be the norm in a blame society.
Thursday, Aug 15th at 10:15am.
Name: Patricia
Comment: Thank God that Fred Higginbottom and the acts of abuse come to light. Many people still carry the mental scars of his cruelty today. The church needs to take responsbility and appologise for the damage done through his cruelty. I know I was one of those chilren.
Tuesday, July 16th at 11:15pm.
Name: Brian Murray
Comment: It is great to hear from you my eldest nephew. I have been a widowed ten months now, she died on my birthday . How is your family, are you set up with some bonny young lass or do you have offspring of your own? My sister was christened Gwendoline and she will kill me for that. How is Arthur and Russell . My email address is above if you want to use it
Monday, July 15th at 10:45pm.
Name: Alan Wilson-Dukes
Comment: I remember a Brian Murray very well in my younger years. If you are the one and the same, living in the Black Bull around 1953 ish. that would mean you have a younger brother Bob and a sister Gwen. If so it would be great to hear from you.
Monday, July 15th at 11:30am.
Name: Avril Moroney
Comment: Wasn’t it lovely to hear the Bands and see the Banners proudly paraded….
Pride and Heritage spring to mind…. a poignant reminder…
SHAME ON US if we do not unite to fight to save our Community, our Streets and our green fields!
Saturday, July 13th at 11:45pm.
Name: George Robson
Comment: Hi Tony, you can get me on Facebook . Talk soon . Regards George .
Saturday, July 13th at 1:00am.
Name: Tony Magee
Comment: I’ve just been looking over some old guestbook pages and I’ve read some posts by George Robson, Victoria BC. You haven’t appeared much lately, George, but if you’re still looking in from time to time just reply to this and I’ll get back to you.
Saturday, July 6th at 5:00pm.
Name: Jim Robinson
Comment: Deaf Hill Miners lodge banner along with Knottingley silver band, before leaving for the Durham miners gala will parade the banner up to the aged miners homes at aproximately 8am next Saturday 13/7/13.
Tuesday, July 2nd at 2:15 pm.
Name: Jim Robinson
Comment: Deaf Hill Banner Group will be holding a meeting in the Trimdon Station & Deaf Hill community centre on Thursday 4th July 6:45pm. Could all members please attend if possible, anyone who would like to become a member or have any questions regarding the group will also be made quite welcome.
Wednesday, June 19th at 8:00 pm.
Name: Alan Wilkinson
Comment: Come on Trimdon, lets get up on a Sunday and support the Royal football team next season. The spirit is still in Trimdon as the PUSH4DARCY pram race on Sunday showed, lot of background work to these events but the support and feedback has been tremendous. I an certain, next year it will be BIGGER & BETTER which seems hard to imagine at the moment, come on everyone, TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER…….
Tuesday, June 18th at 7:30 pm.
Name: Sarah Hingley (nee Halliday)
Comment: I moved away from Trimdon 47 years ago and would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. My father was Dave (Spade) Halliday.
Tuesday, June 18th at 9:30 am.
Name: Eileen Smith
Comment: Everyone is talking about it ! – the pram race for charity on Sunday 16 June showed community spirit from the young people of Trimdon – I was very proud of everyone who contributed to such a fantastic day – these young people are the future of the village and deserve as much encouragement as we can give them – their next project is to reinstate a football team and with help from residents will revive community spirit – let’s make this village what it once was – anyone who can help in any way should come forward and offer their services – come on Trimdon !!!
Saturday, June 15th at 4:30 pm.
Name: Tony Walton
Comment: Seems Trimdon Village is lagging behind again. We are once again expected to accept sub-standard broadband service, when the likes of Kelloe have superfast fibre optic. For the same price. A tad unfair? It would appear that our village does not appear on local government agenda. Again.
Tuesday, June 11th at 10:30 am.
Name: Gordon Stridiron
Comment: I am trying to contact Paul who’s Grandad was John Stoves of Trimdon Colliery. He was on the message board on January 11th 2011 and has since changed his e-mail address. I came across his Grandad’s name while doing some research and would be delighted to make contact with him. Many thanks, Gordon Stridiron
Wednesday, May 29th at 12:45 pm.
Name: Jim Robinson
Comment: Deaf Hill banner group will be holding a meeting in the Trimdon Station community centre on Thursday 30/5/13 at 6:45pm, anyone who would like to join the group or just sit in and listen will be made quite welcome.
Sunday, March 31st at 12:45 pm.
Name: Renee Taylor Gruitt
Comment: Happy Easter to all in Trimdon
Monday, March 8th at 4:15 pm.
Name: Brian Murray
Comment: Reading the history of the church my happiest memories are of sitting behind the curtain pumping the organ, and woe betide you if you let the knot on the string go. I attended the village church school with one of the wisest headmasters ever Mr Middleton who we all called jimmy behind his back. I have travelled all over most of Britain
Monday, March 8th at 1:45 pm.
Name: Brian Murray
Comment: I lived in the Black Bull at the village around 1953, moved away and came back to Station Lane Deaf Hill and would like to make some corrections. Tom Smith taught at the Foundry school where he backhanded Jimmy Atkinson and the class room wall was smeared with blood. Is Jake Elliot Jac Elliot my cousin? Lee Crake wants to ask his father or grandfather about me, and finally we used to sort our own trouble out in them days and never bother Big Jim the Colliery bobby, except when they built Deaf Hill pit baths and he chased up the scaffold and we slid down the poles taking the planks off as we came down. Happy days
Monday, February 4th 2013 at 1:00 pm.
Name: Paul Trippett
Comment: Phil Wilson MP, will be holding a Benefits Surgery at Trimdon Village Hall on Wednesday 20th February between 10am and noon, all welcome, for more details phone Paul Trippett on 01325 321603
Sunday, January 13th 2013 at 4;00 pm.
Name: Alan Wilkinson
Comment: Brian Rose, I have emailed you about the miners lamp issue, Cheers.
Thursday, January 10th 2013 at 4;30 pm.
Name: Stephen Roberts
Comment: I’m trying to locate Wynyard House in Trimdon Grange c 1911. Also I had two uncles who worked at Trimdon Limestone Quarry at the same time. Is this the quarry that is now a reserve? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Steve Roberts
Thursday, January 10th 2013 at 1:30 pm.
Name: Brian Rose
Location: Cheshire ex Trimdon Grange
Comment: I have an old miners lamp similar to the one on this website which is stamped Trimdon Coal Company, lamp number F4F can anyone tell me about its history?
Wednesday, January 2nd 2013 at 6:50 pm.
Name: Renee Taylor Gruitt
Location: Darlington
Comment: Happy new year to any one in Trimdon Station who remembers me and any one who went to Trimdon modern and left in 1963
Continue reading 2012 messages….