Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Trimdon Parish Council held in Trimdon Grange Community Centre on Tuesday 13 November 2018 at 7:00pm.
Present: Councillor John Burton (in the Chair) and Councillors Eileen Dickinson, George Elliott, Margaret Elliott, Margaret Hughes, Rob Gilbert, Bernadette Oliver, Leslie Oliver, Ian Quinn, David Smith and Paul Trippett.
Anne Delandre (Clerk to the Council) was in attendance to record the minutes and County Councillor Peter Brookes was in attendance to report on County Council matters.
Apologies for absence were received from Denise Davison and Keith Thompson.
Resolved that the above apologies be approved.
It was confirmed that Councillors Burton, B Oliver and L Oliver have been granted a dispensation allowing them to participate and vote on any future parish council business concerning Trimdon Community College Association as without the dispensation, the number of persons prohibited from participating in any particular business would be so great a proportion of the body transacting the business as to impeded the transaction of the business.
David Smith declared a Registerable Interest in the review of allotment rents.
Resolved that the above be noted.
It was noted that Skerne Medical Group is currently consulting on their proposal to close Trimdon Village Surgery in January 2019. They are undertaking a four-year review of their services but there are concerns that, if the Trimdon Village Surgery closes in January 2019, then it will not form part of this review.
The Parish Council is encouraging people to oppose this decision and has delivered leaflets to every household in Trimdon Village advising them of the Public Meeting to be held on Thursday 15 November 2018. It is also encouraging residents to sign a petition against the closure.
Resolved that the above be noted.
There were no members of the public in attendance.
Resolved that the above be noted.
The Clerk advised that there were no specific issues relating to GDBR.
Resolved that the above be noted.
County Councillor Peter Brookes was in attendance and reported on the following:
· DCC has adopted a Charter to prevent Modern Slavery in County Durham
· DCC has renewed the Council Tax Reduction Scheme to assist people with low incomes
· DCC is supporting opposition to the closure of Bishop Auckland Hospital Ward 6
· Legal action is being taken regarding the unauthorised siting of a caravan on land south of electricity sub-station, Salters Lane
· Peter Brookes and Paul Trippett have met with planning staff from DCC regarding the revised planning application for housing at Broadway Avenue
Resolved that the above be noted.
The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 9 October 2018 had been circulated with the Agenda.
Resolved that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 9 October 2018 be approved and signed by the Chairman.
a) The Clerk was asked to look into the possibility of an electric supply being provided from DCC lampposts to provide electric to the two Christmas trees in Trimdon Grange and Trimdon Colliery in time for December 2019.
Resolved that the above be noted.
There following planning applications were listed for consideration.
23 Skerne Avenue , Trimdon Village
Two storey extension to rear
St William Roman Catholic Church, Front Street South, Trimdon Village
Single storey flat roof extension
27A Church Street, Trimdon Village
Change of use retail shop (A1) to hot food takeaway (A5) and external flue
Resolved that no comment be made in respect of the planning applications.
a) The Clerk detailed expenditure requiring payment by cheque.
Resolved that the payments be approved.
b) The Clerk submitted the schedule of payments made between 1 October 2018 and 31 October 2018.
Resolved that the schedule of payments be approved.
c) The Clerk submitted the schedule of receipts received between 1 October 2018 and 31 October 2018.
Resolved that the schedule of receipts be approved.
d) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) for the period ended 31 October 2018. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Instant Access Account) be approved and the Chairman sign the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.
e) The Clerk submitted the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) for the period ended 31 October 2018. This was cross referenced with the Bank Statement.
Resolved that the bank reconciliation statement (Current Bank Account) be approved and the Chairman sign the Bank Statement as confirmation of the balance.
a) A report regarding the review of burial fees had been circulated with the Agenda, together with a table detailing comparable figures for a number of neighbouring parish councils.
1. That the report be noted.
2. That the following fees be approved:
i. All fees relating to the body of a child whose age at the time of death was under 16 years of age for families currently resident within Trimdon Parish Council be waived
ii.The interment fees for the body of a person whose age at the time of death exceeds 16 years be raised to £150. This fee will now include the automatic provision of Grave Mats
iii. The fees for the interment of cremated remains unchanged
iv. The fees for the Exclusive Right of Burial be raised to £150
v. The separate fee for Grave Mats be removed
vi. The fee for the siting of all Monuments remains unchanged
vii. The fee for the moving of a Monument remains unchanged
viii. The fee for the addition of an inscription remains unchanged
ix. The fee for a Vase instead of a Headstone remains unchanged
3. The fees detailed for Trimdon Parish Council apply where the person to be interred, or in respect of who the right is granted is, or immediately before his/her death was, an inhabitant or parishioner or Trimdon Parish Council or, in the case of a child under the age of 16, the parents (or one of them) are, at the time of interment were, such inhabitants or parishioners. In all other cases the fees payable will be doubled
4. Fees quoted apply only where the interment is made on a weekday. Where any interment is made on a Saturday or a Bank Holiday, all interment fees stated will be doubled
5. That the revised fees be implemented on 1 April 2019
b) A report on the review of the annual rent charges on council-owned allotment sites, together with recommendations from the Allotment Committee, had been circulated with the Agenda. It was proposed that rents across all three parish council allotment sites should be the same price of £30 for consistency, and should include an element for water rates. It was also recommended that the increase in charges for Trimdon Grange and Trimdon Colliery should be ‘phased-in’ over two years.
1. That the reported be noted.
2. That the following charges be approved:
2019/2020 | 2020/2021 | |
Full-size allotment Trimdon Village | £25 | £30 |
Half-size allotment Trimdon Village | £12.50 | £15.00 |
Horse Stables Trimdon Village | £75 | £125 |
Paddock Trimdon Village | £150 | £200 |
Community Garden Trimdon Village | Free | Free |
Full-size allotment Trimdon Colliery | £25 | £30 |
Garage site Trimdon Colliery | £30 | £30 |
Full-size allotment Trimdon Grange | £20 | £30 |
c) A report on applications for grants for the financial year 2019/2010 had been circulated with the Agenda.
1. That the reported be noted.
2. That the following be approved for the financial year 2019/2020:
- Citizens Advice County Durham be granted £2,500 under the Local Government Act 1972 s.142
- Trimdon Concert Brass Band be granted £1,000 under the General Power of Competence
- Trimdon Community College Association be granted £22,000 under the General Power of Competence
- Trimdon Grange Community Centre be granted £5,000 under the General Power of Competence
- Trimdon Village Hall Association be granted £5,000 under the General Power of Competence
- Trimdon Village Hall Association Citizens Advice Bureau be granted the funding to run the weekly CAB sessions under the Local Government Act 1972 s.142
- Trimdon United Juniors FC be granted £,1000 under the General Power of Competence
- Trimdon Parish Youth Group be granted £5,000 under the General Power of Competence
- Trimdon Grange Banner Group be granted £350 under the General Power of Competence
- Trimdon Colliery Banner Group be granted £350 under the General Power of Competence
3. That all organisations receiving a grant exceeding £2,000 be advised that they must provide a written report at the end of the financial year on how the money has been used.
4. That a Grants/Donations Budget of £50,000 be approved for the financial year 2019/2020.
d) The Clerk reported that a quotation has been received from Eden Dene Tree Services for work to be carried out at Trimdon Grange Allotment Sites.
Resolved that the quotation be accepted.
e) The Clerk requested that the date for the January 2019 Parish Council meeting be changed.
Resolved that the date for the January 2019 Parish Council meeting be changed to Tuesday 15 January 2019.
a) A request has been received from Citizens Advice County Durham for a financial donation of £2,500 for the year 2018/2019 to continue the bi-weekly outreach service at Trimdon Village Hall.
Resolved that a grant of £2,500 be granted under the Local Government Act 1972 s.142.
b) A request has been received from Trimdon Grange Community Centre for a donation of £100 towards a Christmas Party on 9 December 2018.
Resolved that a donation of £100 be granted under the General Power of Competence.
c) Planning Inspectorate Appeal Decision: Land east of Salters Lane, Trimdon Grange
The Clerk advised that confirmation has been received from DCC that the appeal made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission had been dismissed.
Resolved that the above be noted.
d) A copy of the National Association of Local Councils Magazine: Autumn 2018 had been circulated with the Agenda.
Resolved that the above be noted.
There were no items for discussion.
Resolved that the above be noted.
-Page added 26th January 2019