Information Update 27th March 2014
Off Road Motorbikes
As the weather is warming up, calls regarding off road motorbikes are starting to increase. Although there are a lot of legitimate riders of road legal motocross bikes we are after information of those who should not be riding around the streets and surrounding fields.
If you know of addresses in your street that you regularly see people coming from, riding around causing both a nuisance and danger to other members of your community, then please let us know.
The next Trimdon PACT meeting will be on Monday the 7th of April 2014 – 6pm at Trimdon Grange Community Centre.
Caught on Camera
As from Monday the 3rd of March 2014 images of unknown wanted suspects for crimes in the Durham Constabulary Force area will be available to view by the public through our new Caught on Camera page on the Durham Constabulary Force Website. Members of the public will be able to view suspects and contact Caught on Camera directly and submit an identification. This will mean that potentially thousands more pairs of eyes are on the lookout for our wanted suspects and will hopefully result in more solved crimes throughout the Durham Force area.
Operation Spoke
Operation Spoke is a bike theft reduction campaign led by Durham Constabulary, working in partnership with Durham County Council and Darlington Borough Council, Local Motion, Safe Durham Partnership and all the Cycle Retailers in County Durham and Darlington.
Operation Spoke aims to significantly reduce cycle crime by uniquely marking and registering cycles in County Durham and Darlington. Success of other property marking schemes at reducing the overall levels of acquisitive crime is well documented and now we are expanding this concept to cycles.
Please check our Facebook and Twitter pages for details regarding local bike marking events ran by your Neighbourhood Police Team.
Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
Non – Emergency Number – 101
We are very keen to ensure that we are tackling issues which matter to you in your community. With our colleagues in the local authority, we have developed PACT meetings to ensure that you have a chance to engage with local officers from your beat team and tell us your concerns. This is your opportunity to influence what we focus on, where you live.
You can find out more about PACT:
By ringing Durham Constabulary on 101
By logging on to
By following us on Twitter and Facebook