Information Update 12th June 2014

Fence Panels Stolen
Between 17:00 09/06/2014 and 09:00 11/06/2014 six metal fence panels have been stolen from a construction site at Trimdon Village Junior School Elwick View. Anyone with any information in relation to this please contact us 101 and quote incident DHM -11062014-0105.

Cannabis Siezed
A cannabis grow was seized in Jasmine Crescent on Friday the 6th of June 2014 by Neighbourhood Police Team, thanks to information from local community.
Please continue to contact us or crime stoppers with any information regarding drugs activity in the area.

Windows Broken
On the morning of Tuesday the 27th of May 2014 between 01:20hrs and 01:30hrs windows have been damaged at properties on Saint Pauls Rd and North Moor Avenue Trimdon Colliery. An unknown male has been seen leaving the scene near to North Moor Avenue in a BMX style bike and a hooded top it is suspected this male may have had a catapult. Anyone with any further information please contact us and quote DHM-27052014-0058 or DHM-27052014-0052.


The next PACT meeting will be on Wednesday the 9th of July 2014 6pm at Trimdon Village Community College.

Pc 1636 John Seymour
Trimdon Beat Officer
Sedgefield Neighbourhood Police Team
Non – Emergency Number – 101

We are very keen to ensure that we are tackling issues which matter to you in your community. With our colleagues in the local authority, we have developed PACT meetings to ensure that you have a chance to engage with local officers from your beat team and tell us your concerns. This is your opportunity to influence what we focus on, where you live.

You can find out more about PACT:
By ringing Durham Constabulary on 101
By logging on to
By following us on Twitter and Facebook