Urgent News Update from Paul Trippett, 14th June 2017
Surgery Closure
The Skerne Medical Group will be sending letters out informing patients that they will be closing the Trimdon Village Surgery next week, and they will say it is a temporary measure due to staff shortages. I am not so sure it will be temporary, and fear that a permanent closure will follow.
If you oppose the closure and would like guarantees that it will be re-opened as soon as possible please contact your MP Phil Wilson on phil.wilson.mp@parliament.uk or trippettp@parliament.uk
I will be hoping to arrange a public meeting in the immediate future to plan how we can have our voice heard. Please share this message and ask your family and friends to show their support.
I will do my best to keep you informed and involved and thank you in advance for your support.
Paul Trippett
Follow up to this article;
Northern Echo:
Skerne Medical Group announces Trimdon Village temporary closure over GP shortage
15th June 2017