Press release 21/9/16
October is Stoptober, free local support available
Wellbeing for Life are offering free support to people who are willing to take the challenge to stop smoking for the month of October. You are four times more likely to quit for good with help from a Wellbeing for Life Health Trainer; it’s easier than going it alone.
The Wellbeing for Life service offers tailor-made support at a variety of local community venues at times which work flexibly around you. You and your Health Trainer will discuss a variety of products and support that can help you quit smoking.
“Whether you want to boost your health, have more cash in your pocket or want to live longer, with face to face support, you’re more likely to quit and we will support you every step of the way” said a Health Trainer.
The Wellbeing for Life service supports people to live well, by helping to address the factors which influence their health. The service will build capacity to enable people to be independent, resilient and maintain good health for themselves and those around them.
Health Trainers can support you and your community to improve your wellbeing, signposting you to other local services where necessary.
To start your smoke free journey, contact the Wellbeing for Life service by freephone: 0800 8766887
Your local Health Trainer details can be found here.