Durham County Council

Residents can now sign up for next year’s garden waste collection service. The fortnightly service will run between spring and autumn with 17 collections, the first in March 2017.

Subscription is available throughout the year for an annual fee of £25, although residents must subscribe before Tuesday 14 February 2017 to guarantee receiving all 17 collections.

Cllr Brian Stephens, Cabinet member for neighbourhoods and local partnerships, said: “Over 70,000 households have subscribed to the garden waste collection service in 2016 and we’re pleased to announce the start of subscriptions for 2017.

“The annual fee has increased to £25 compared to last year’s subscription of £20. This is to ensure the service can continue under financial pressures as a result of Government austerity.”

Over the next couple of months the council will be contacting households with details of how to subscribe. Residents can also check online now to see if their property is eligible and sign up. They’ll then receive a green bin sticker and a collection calendar which will be issued from January onwards.

Those who have previously subscribed for three years will automatically receive their bin sticker and calendar in January.

Garden waste collections do not take place during the winter months. However, people can still recycle their garden waste during the winter period by taking it to household waste recycling centres or composting it at home.

For more information on garden waste collections in County Durham, visit www.durham.gov.uk/gardenwaste  or call 03000 26 1000.


DCC Press Release 9th December 2016