Minutes of a Meeting of Trimdon Foundry Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 6.30 pm in May Crescent Community House

227/19 Present:
Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman), Gary Elliott, Gail Elliott, Brian Ferguson, Mike Gilvin, Jean Loverance

228/19 Apologies:
Councillors M Lenehan-Ferguson (dispensation) 229/19
:- In Attendance Parish Clerk Kate Holmes No members of the public.

230/19 Notice of Motion
The notice of motion to call the meeting was proposed by Cllr C Bell and seconded by Cllr Mike Gilvin. This was carried.

231/19 Declaration of Interest

232/19 Dispensations for Declared Interests
None required.

233/19 Exclusion of the Press and Public
It was RESOLVED that as no members of the public were present, no exclusion would be necessary..

234/19 Open Session

234a/19 Police and Wardens’ Report
As no report had been received from PCSO Foreman, it was RESOLVED that Cllr Bell would ask her to supply it at the earliest opportunity.

234b/19 County Councillor’s Report
Cllr Hovvels not present, so no report.

234c/19 Public Participation

234d/19 Neighbourhood Warden
Kenneth Short, the new Neighbourhood Warden for the Trimdons attended to introduce himself, and also his colleague Jamie the warden for Sedgefield. It was proposed that a parish litter pick should be organized, but this was subsequently prevented by coronavirus restrictions. He also supplied details of a recommended source for CCTV advice and equipment. All Members expressed their appreciation of his attendance and input.

235/19 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 18th February 2020 as a true record.

236/19 Finance
It was RESOLVED to accept all automatic and due payments reported by the Clerk, as evidenced by initialling by the Chairman and a Member.
It was RESOLVED to approve the bank statement to end February 2020, and this was signed off by the Chairman.
No grant applications had been received.
It was RESOLVED to keep allotment rents at unchanged from 2019-20 levels.
It was RESOLVED to earmark financial reserves for the following items of expenditure:

  • CCTV equipment-
  • Back data entry of cemetery records into Epitaph database, with associated transport and insurance costs.


237/19 Lighting of Samaritan Tree and Christmas Tree(s)
The Clerk reported that she had e-mailed Barry Kirtley at DCC to press for progress on price for the power supply. She had had no response to date, and agreed to pass his details to the Chairman to pursue if no response was received before she left for holiday the following week.

238/19 VE Day 7th Commemorations – 8th May 2020
It was AGREED to ask Annabel Terry to lead the planned service at 3.30pm on Sunday 10th May. However, it was noted that this plan might have to change depending on the advance of the coronavirus.

239/19 Policy Review
The draft Allotment Rental Agreement for 2020-21 was approved, subject to clarification in paragraphs 3 and 4 .

The latest version of the Asset Register was approved as a suitable basis for building a new register within the EdgeIT system. It was noted that this system allows for attachment of photographs etc, so it was agreed that in the longer term, all items on the list should have pictures and confirmed locations recorded.

239/19 Planning
No planning applications of interest to the Parish Council had been notified to the Clerk.

240/19 Chairman’s Report
Mostly covered under separate agenda items.
The Chairman commended the newly-planted pencil cherry trees beside the main path at Deaf Hill Cemetery.

241/19 Clerk’s Report
This was noted.
It was RESOLVED to hold one session only for collection of allotment rents, in order to save on room hire costs and councillors’ and clerk’s time commitment.

242/19 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Gary Elliott reported significant potholes in the roadway between Rodwell Street and Luke Street. The Clerk agreed to report these to DCC.
He suggested the installation of a plastic greenhouse on the parish allotment, and agreed to obtain prices from J Dodds and Brian Wallace.

He has not yet been contacted about access to the former church clock to reinstate lighting. The Clerk observed that she had only recently noted and corrected an error in his telephone number that she supplied to the property owner.

Members noted and commended a recent increase in police activity in the parish, targeting criminal and antisocial behaviours.

Cllr Gilvin reported that at the recent meeting of the Smaller Councils Forum, espressions of interest had been sought for installation of electric vehicle charging points. It was RESOLVED that at this time, the Parish has neither need nor facilities for this.

It was RESOLVED that he would post notices received from DCC about Coronavirus onto the parish website.

243/19 Correspondence Received
A printed list of key e-mails that had been forwarded to the online Councillors was provided to Cllr Ferguson.
See additional agenda item below.

244/19 Future Agenda Items
Coronavirus response.

245/19 Exclusion of Press and Public
Not required.

246/19 Response to Correspondence Circulated 03/03/2020
Councillors approved the Clerk’s draft response to the letter about grant funding, and requested that the original letter and response be sent also to County Councillor Lucy Hovvels.

226/19 Close of Meeting
The business of the meeting was concluded at 8.10pm.

These minutes were agreed as a true record at the meeting of Council held on 14th July 2020

Signed: (Chairman)


Page added 3rd December 2020