Friends of St Edmund’s Church in Sedgefield want to send a big thank-you to the many people in the community and further afield for their continuing support during the past few months.
Dr Alistair Irvine, chairman, said this week: “Like many charities, fund-raising in recent months has not been easy because of the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus but we have still received over £4,000.00 - an amazing amount of money at this very challenging time.”
Most of the income results from sales of the Friends’ 2021 Sedgefield Calendar and Christmas cards as well as donations to the appeal for repairs to the church clock.
“People have again been extremely generous,” said Dr Irvine. “It shows how much they value St Edmund’s and want to help preserve it for future generations."
He added: “The committee of the Friends want to thank everyone for their goodwill and support, and hope the coming year will be a happier and healthier place for all of us.”
Article courtesy of Ron Ely
Page added 6th January 2021