St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon Village
Co Durham: The Church on the Green
For Worship, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.

A place steeped in history which offers prayer and contemplation, fun and laughter, and a friendly welcome. This section is an archive for pages of interest which appeared on the Church’s section of the Trimdon Times.

Index of Pages
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Back to Church

Did you know that St Mary Magdalene’s offers a variety of ways to develop and explore your faith further?
Now that our Back to Church Sunday services are over, could this be time for us all to reflect on what they meant to us? To consider how we, regular members of the congregation, could come ‘Back to Church’ with a different or fresh approach.

Maybe you feel that you enjoy Sunday services but would like to try something different like a Eucharist service within a smaller and more intimate group. How about attending Tuesday evenings at 6.00 – 6.30 pm? A shorter but focused Eucharist meeting without hymns and sermon, simply communion, prayers and bible readings.

Perhaps you have some burning questions about how faith can fit into everyday life? Or you’re interested in exploring the bible and its teachings further. Why not come to our open discussion group on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month? A relaxed and informal group (not attended by clergy) designed to provide an open forum for those who want to ask questions, those who can help others reflect on their questions and for those who would like their family to be more involved in church life.

One Saturday afternoon per month we organise a Seeds of Hope group for children of all ages. We offer messy church activities, crafts, outdoor games, songs and stories (scrap book of photos at the back of church). The session lasts about an hour and a half, with tea time treats and refreshments to finish. Children, mums, dads, grans, granddads etc are all warmly welcome to these fun late afternoon groups.

Finally, is gardening or DIY your thing? Could you develop your faith and friendships by serving in a more practical way? If you have a spare hour or so on a Thursday afternoon how about some grown up messy fun helping out with the maintenance team? This informal, but hard working team allow us to enjoy St Mary Magdalene’s in her full glory by tending the gardens, taking care of the interior and looking after the general welfare of our beautiful church. This does not have to be a weekly commitment but any support is always warmly welcomed.