Trimdon House, Landreth Grove, Trimdon Village, Co. Durham. TS29 6QH       Tel: 01429 883063

March 2006


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 Special Constables

There are probably not many part time jobs where you, as an individual, can make a difference in your community. This year you could be part of a 175-year-old tradition by becoming a Special Constable.
In October 2006 the Special Constabulary will celebrate its 175th Anniversary, and in Durham Constabulary we are recognised as one of the most forward thinking forces in Britain. It is vital that members of the public should play an active role in tackling crime. Volunteering to become a Special Constable is the most effective contribution an individual can make. Committing to the community focused policing, and being part of our neighbourhood policing teams is an essential in the role of a Special Constable today.
Duties of a Special Constable include assisting regular officers with a variety of duties, working with other Special Constables, dealing with burglaries, road traffic accidents, fights or even lost children. i.e. whatever you would expect a regular officer to do. One thing is certain, you will not have time to be bored.
All Special Constables receive comprehensive training, giving them exactly the same powers as a regular officer, whilst helping them to learn new skills, develop existing ones, enhancing their confidence and life skills, which has helped them in their full time jobs. They are members of the public from all walks of life, who have the drive and dedication to devote some of their free time to working alongside the police.
Neighbourhood Policing is a difficult but rewarding job, and Special Constables are people of integrity who want to contribute to making their community a safer place to live in.
If you would like to play a crucial role in fighting crime in your community by becoming a Special Constable, then contact Carol Oliver, Special Constable Recruitment Officer on 01325 742060


Trimdon Library will be having a range of Childrens activities over the Easter period to include:-

Zoolab Thursday 13th April 2.30-3.30pm
Pats Puppets Tuesday 18th April 2-3pm
Craft Sessions Tuesday 11th April 2-3pm, Thursday 20th April 2-3pm

Spaces for each session are limited, so booking is advisable.
All activities are charged at £1 per child.
For further information please contact the library on 01429 880433
Parents of the under 5’s, please also come along and take a look at Our Toy Library, which runs on a Tuesday 3.15pm - 4.15pm

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