Trimdon House, Landreth Grove, Trimdon Village, Co. Durham. TS29 6QH       Tel: 01429 883063

September 2005

Skerne Playpark

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 Skerne Playpark

At this present time our children are playing on the roads. There is nowhere safe and clean for them to play in our immediate area. At the top of the bank behind Skerne Avenue bungalows we have a large recreational field that was once a play park. Over the years the equipment has been removed and never replaced. The recreational field is now a dog walking area and is some times used for fly tipping.
Play parkA group of concerned residents have formed an association. We meet once a month and our aim is to raise funds in order to redevelop and update the play park. We are hoping to create a safe and secure area that will benefit all the community. This will include a multi user games area; toddler and junior play equipment, and a sensory garden with seating.
On September 3rd we held a Summer Fete in our field. Mrs Dudden one of our older residents from Skerne Avenue bungalows opened the Fete, stating that we were there to have a fun day and raise money for the proposed play park. The day was a huge success with hundreds of people attending the event. The plans for the redevelopment were on display and everyone appeared to be impressed. We raised £2,000, which is the start of our fundraising campaign. The children of all ages worked extremely hard with promoting the fete. Some of the children and their parents walked around parts of the village raising awareness and handing out leaflets
.On the day of the Fete the children helped set up the stalls and marquees and clear away afterwards. The older children ran some of the stalls such as the nail art and hair braiding and the younger ones helped. The community worked hard together in order to make this day a huge success. Everyone was excited and there was a great sense of community spirit. Thank you to all those who were involved and to everyone who came on the day and showed their support. If anyone would like further information about the project or would like to make a donation please contact Trish Dinsley on 01429 881854. We are hoping to display the plans in the library

CANCER RESEARCH UK  -  .Treasure Hunt Success
Our Treasure Hunt in Sedgefield on the 16th July was our first local event. No one got lost though I could be seen racing round the village keeping a watchful eye on participants! A big thank you to Isabel Everson and George Trotter for their help in organising such a fun event. Above all, we raised £218.80, a good night’s work for a very worthwhile cause.
Many thanks to all who attended.

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