Trimdon Foundry Parish Council

Chairman Cllr. C.Bell

28 White House Drive,
Co. Durham
TS21 3BX
01740 620042

3rd June 2016

Period for the exercise of Public Rights Accounts for year ending 31st march 2016.
Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (S1 2015/234)

The Council annual return needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited. Any interested person has the right to inspect the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, and receipts and other documents relating to records or documents.

These documents are available for inspection between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday from the Parish Clerk on the above address/e-mail/phone.

This period was advertised in Noticeboards in the Parish commencing 3rd June 2016 and ending on 14th July 2016.

However due to scanning problems with the Council computer this has been extended to 30th July via the internet link to Trimdon Times.

Local electors and their representatives have rights to question the auditor about the accounts and object to the accounts during the stated period 3rd June to 14th July. Written notice of objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority, details above. The auditor can be contacted on

BDO LLP, Arcadia House, Maritime Walk, Ocean Village, Southampton, SO14 3TL. Telephone 023 8088 1941.

The smaller authority annual return is subject to review by the appointed auditor under the provisions of the local Audit and Accountability Act 2014,the Accounts and Audit

John Robinson Parish Clerk


Exercise of Public Rights for Accounts year ending 31st March 2016.