Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 12th May 2015
Held in the Community Centre, Station Road East, Trimdon Station at 7.00pm.

7. Present: Councillors Carole Bell (Chairman), Gail Elliott, Gary Elliott, B Ferguson, M Lenehan-
Ferguson, M Eadsforth and J Loverance.
DCC Cllr L Hovvels and 9 parishioners in attendance.

8. To accept apologise of absence. None.
9. Declarations of interests. None.

10. Police and Highways Report. None.
Cllr L Hovvels advised that the issue of increased Anti-Social Behaviour was reported to Inspector Warren as
well as the issue of photographs been taken of people.

11. Representation from Parishioners
Thanks from parishioners were given to the former chairman Margaret Eadsforth for stepping into the council
during a difficult time.

Residents put forward the idea of erecting a Pit Wheel in the memorial garden. This would be investigated by
the council and considered for a possible project.

Residents enquired on the progress regarding the speeding traffic in the area of the Top Shop. The clerk
advised that no information was received and this matter was still being pursued.

Residents advised that the Community Centre had run out of Dog Bags. The Clerk advised that he had no
news of a large order going in across all Town and Parish Council. He would make further enquiries and if
necessary order some for the council.

A no parking sign at the welfare park. Members advised that the main gates could be opened to utilise the hard
standing area for parking. The entrance to the park by the Top Shop was not considered a parking area.

Residents again advised that there was no free Dog Bags. The Clerk is awaiting news for a collective order
from all parishes in county Durham and will also seek cost of purchase and if other councils have spares.

A resident who was at the recent PACT meeting advised that Anti-Social Behaviour was down to 4 incidents
in the last month compared to the previous 38 from the month before.

The issue of parking on the Driveway at the Memorial Park entrance was discussed. The clerk would
investigate signage and yellow lines for this driveway.

Residents enquired if the remaining Totem Pole along the Bridal path could be uplifted and sited in the
Memorial Garden.

12. Tony Davos from Durham County Council.
Tony provided an overview of the Limestone Landscapes Project that was developing Village Atlases. Due to
the geographic nature of the area is was feasible to undertake a village atlas jointly with perhaps Trimdon
Grange PC. As present Tony was enquiring is parish councils would like to be involved in this project and
would need their commitment to participate and give financial support of £4,000 in the year 2016/17. The
clerk was requested to enquire with Trimdon Grange PC on their commitment to this project. It was resolved
to agended this matter for a decision next month.

13. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 14th April 2015
The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting and duly signed by the chairman.

14. Clerk’s update on matters raised at last meeting.
The clerk advised that all matters raised at the previous meeting were action. Several of these issues remain
outstanding and replies are waited.

15. Report of County Councillor.
Cllr L Hovvels circulated a comprehensive report covering matter concerning;

Street lighting in Ryedale Court where works are still progress.

The tipping of grass cutting on the Old Railway Line from adjacent properties was reported to the Clean and
Green Team. Some calls will be made to residents on this matter.

Dog fouling issues have been reported and requested a clean-up along Wingate Road, Luke Street and Rodwell

The Civic Pride Team are continuing to work with the local school, planters have been installed, new seating,
painting of lampposts and planting schemes.
A litter pick was held around Malvern Terrace.
A Golden Ticket initiative in place. Residents who are seen picking up after their dog will receive a ticket and
entered into a free prize draw.
CAT Team. New lighting columns are being sought for the land to the rear of St Aidens Terrace
Local residents who have issues to report can send them to help@durham.gov.uk
Potholes were reported at the cemetery entrance and along Tobin Terrace

On the 22nd May DCC will hold its AGM
Members of the parish enquired if the planters at the junction at top of Station Road could be re-sited to
Rodwell Street and Windsor Street as this feature was crowded and smaller units would be more appropriate at
this location. Cllr Hovvels would liaise with the civic pride team on this matter.
Hedges had been trimmed back along Wingate Road with some fencing and painting works.
Cllr Hovvels was asked to look at the seat opposite the cemetery as this needed renewing.

16. Correspondence received.
i. The Clerk provided members with the update received from DCC concerning the street lighting issue
in Ryedale Court.
ii. The Clerk advised of the SLCC Regional Roadshow visiting Durham. It was resolved that the Clerk
and one member to attend.
iii. Members received the CDALC newsletter that was circulated by the clerk.

17. Council Logo.
The clerk circulated logo ideas for the council to use on its letter head and for general items. Two samples
were illustrated, in monochrome and full colour. It was resolved that the use of these in council
correspondence be used.

18. Highways Report. The Clerk was requested to invite Brian Buckley to the next meeting.

19. Policy – Council Training Statement of Intent. It was resolved that this matter be deferred to the next
20. Policy – Model Publication Scheme. It was resolved that this matter be deferred to the next meeting.
21. Policy – Use of Parish Notice Boards. It was resolved that this matter be deferred to the next meeting.

22. Allotments.
Members advised that the rent collection had progress well with only 5 tenants not coming to pay. Reminders
were sent out.
The waiting list for the site is to be brought up to date as there will be 4 allotments to offer. Good feedback
was received for the improvements made by tenants and people who lived around the site.

23. Clerk’s Report.
The Clerk circulated at list of issues he had been working on for member’s information.
The application to the AAP for funds to support the new play area was submitted.
All play providers has now delivered there proposals.
The accounts system was loaded with year ahead budget.
Following the return of the information sent to DCC the clerk has made an assessment of the Cemetery and
would investigate cost for footpath repairs.
Information on the Foundation Quality Award scheme was circulated and the clerk was progressing through
this standard.
The claim was now submitted to the council’s insurance for the grass cutter.

An audit of the council’s assets was undertaken and revised and forwarded to insurance companies to seek
new insurance quotes.

Plants that have failed at the memorial park have been reported to Sustain Landscapes.

24. Welfare Park Events.
Members advised that on the 6th June a service will be held for those lives lost in the mining disaster. The park
should be well presented for this event.

Invitations were being sent out to dignitaries to attend. Mining banners will be displayed on the day, the new
play park plans. A brief service will be held with brass band playing. Representative from CISWO and
Durham Miners’ Association may attend. Groundworks and Peter Brookes have yet to respond.

The proms in the park event continues to progress. A meeting is to be held with the school to discuss there
involvement. A Dance Troop, Brass Band, Ian Frazier and Ariana had agreed to perform. Discussions are
being held with DCC Events Team to cover setup and risk assessment.

25. To consider Planning Applications. None were received.

26. Finance
a) To agree the schedule of payment for the month of January2015.
It was agreed that the schedule of payments presented to members for April 2015 totalling £9,317.84
be approved (vouchers 302066 to 302077). The payment for the grounds maintenance would be held
until members had met with the contractor.
Receipts of Precept, Allotment Rents and Cemetery Fees totalling £69,804 were noted.

b) To approve the year end Statement of Accounts. Members resolved to approve the year end 31st
March 2015 Statement of Accounts.

c) Requests for Finance.
i. It was agreed that £250 be donated to the Deafhill Banner Group.
ii. It was agreed that £4,000 be donated to the Trimdon Station Residents Association.
iii. It was agreed that further information be sought from the Deaf Hill Ward Regeneration

Exclusion of the press and public.
27. Review of Cemetery Fees.

It was resolved that the following Fees and Charges be introduced from 1st June 2015

a. Grave Digger fees are paid direct to the person used and the council does not control this fee.
b. To Purchase Exclusive Rights (Required prior to any erecting of Memorial Stone)
Adult Grave Space £200.00
Infant/Child up to the age of 16 Free
Cremated Remains £50.00

These fees are doubled if the deceased is from outside the parish boundary.

c. Other charges.
Headstone £60.00
A Vase £20
Any inscription after the first £20.00

It was further resolved that the council would continue its policy on on ‘grave curbing’.

28. To exchange any information considered relevant by the Chair.
Members advised that Clerk that a Michael Watson could be a source for erecting a Xmas Tree. 07939261209

29. Date and time of next meeting.
9th June 2015 at May Crescent Residents Association starting at 6.30pm.

Chairman of the Council Vice

Chairman of the Council


Trimdon Foundry Parish Minutes for 12th May 2015